Sunday, April 18, 2010

Yamaha Warrior Plastics Swap

announce the first meeting of Indigenous Peoples, the venue, the Historic Center

• Achieve the full exercise of the rights of peoples, in order: María Rosa Márquez Cabrera

• It will take place from 20 to 23 May are expected to attend about two thousand people.

In order to share and exchange experiences through forums and workshops, as well as get to the construction of a space that is available to people as a field of social relationships for the broad and inclusive debate, it was announced the completion of the "First Meeting of Indigenous Peoples, Native and African Descent Latin America and the Caribbean ", which will be held in the Historic Center of Mexico City.

Secretary for Rural Development and Equity for Communities, María Rosa Márquez Cabrera and Historical Center Authority, Alejandra Moreno Toscano, at a press conference presented the program which will address issues such as economic and political realities as a form of resistance of peoples, farmers rights, food culture, traditional medicine, herbal medicine and ethnobotany, scope and exercise of rights legislation.

Activities will take place from 20 to 23 May in various forums such as the University of the Cloister of Sor Juana, the Club of Journalists, the former School of Medicine, and other venues from downtown.

Moreno Toscano, stated that the encounter of deeper cultural tradition that will unite all the peoples of America. "We have seen the enormous transformation of rights won, recovery of its spaces and use of their traditions to live better in the XXI century that these populations have done, "he said.

Other activities that will complement the meeting are: traditional cooking shows, photo exhibitions, cultural events, music, dance, and the presentation, exhibition and sale of books, displays of indigenous film and video.

also will discuss the historical contributions of people in the liberation movements of the region over the past 200 years.

Secretary for Rural Development and Equity for Communities, María Rosa Márquez Cabrera, said it has confirmed the participation of representatives of countries like Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala, Panama, as well as other towns in 17 states of Mexico. Are expected to attend approximately two thousand people.

"We consider fundamental issues of indigenous media, indigenous tourism, indigenous rights, there is scope for legislation in several Latin American countries," he added.

Similarly, the Ministry of Rural Development and Equity for Communities said that plans for subsequent years to carry out this space in other countries with issues of reflection, encounter and exchange of cultures.

forums and workshops will conclude with a plenary meeting on the full recognition of indigenous peoples and Afro originating, issuing the Declaration of the Meeting.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Camping Trailer Blueprints

boiler exhaust end wainscot PLACE

The thing will be something like this ...

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Song From Shock 2 By Terkoiz

Meet "Sea of \u200b\u200bMorelos" with WHO standards

Karina Ortega

The Commission for Protection Against Health Risks in the last sampling of Lake Tequesquitengo reported that fresh water is primary contact recreational use, according to the above parameters set by the World Health Organization. This

This unveiled the assistant municipal Tequesquitengo, Javier Castrejon Vargas, who refuted with evidence from the Health Ministry Morelos sea is polluted, and that he said about every month, the Commission for Protection Against Health Risks ten surveys performed in the eight miles of beach that has this lake.

Thus, the last show was held last February where the ten tests were performed in the sampling sites are: Barranca Honda, Yacht Club, Beach Ejidal Xoxocotla, Villa Bejar, Master Club, Long Beach , Fishers, The Virgin, The Dishes and Morocco, said that one hundred percent of the samples meet specifications considered sanitary water unfit for recreational use.

Thus, explained that at present there is a little "flutter" the water of Lake Tequesquitengo, because the rollover phenomenon that occurs every year in December, was delayed a month, this process is that you have warm waters of the lake bottom rising to the surface as a result of inversion and this climate change causes oxygen depletion and suffocation of fish.

For this delay the phenomenon of turnover, currently at Lake Tequesquitengo hovering is a little water, as it is in the cleaning process, but is suitable for recreational use, said.