Thursday, December 30, 2010

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Today, although not all forces are back, to return to our old ways with the news that occur daily in our society.

fair return when the new municipal administrations are about to swear and take office, as is the case of accostumbrado to pay their debts with cement or pretending to be man, the other case is giving much more to say, the invader who was elected with the votes that have never lived in Quequeña, which houses only have imagined or dreamed of having lived longer three años'allí, by the way I saw one day, the Association "The Pilgrims of Chapi", which there just is nothing more huts, where they live spiders, ghosts and brothers palomino "Rat ".....

There are some issues to solve, or solution process.

With the commitment that always characterizes us, to inform, we will more strongly, taking into account and also left the University, that every day be sitting in class listening, at times things that make no sense, or listen to called great moralists who are everything and in the end prove to be worse than the lot, a strip of imbeciles only good thing they have learned to criticize and ultimately fall into the same .. hahaha.

Oh by the way has been good for 2011, so say the big sellers of snake bait "Shaman", which Peru is a champion in the Copa America is coming, that's a good news, right ????....


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