Thursday, July 22, 2010

Inside The Vigiana With

CAUTION 10 thousand children working

More than 10 thousand children working in Morelos selling gum, cleaning windshields, making acts of fakirs, begging or franeleros, many of them forced by their parents, guardians or gang leaders, and under influences of drugs.

According to a joint investigation by the national Human Rights Commissions and Morelos, many children start working at the age of 8 years and play sessions starting at 9:00 pm and last until 23:00, to get between 100 and 300 pesos.

"We have children under nine years and laboring (...). The census has been the most difficult, even the DIF or the municipal authorities have that, is a floating population, "said Lucero Benitez Villaseñor, president of the Human Rights Commission of the State of Morelos.

In Morelos, children engaged in work begins, on average, at the age of eight years, reflecting an investigation by the Human Rights Commission of the State of Morelos (CDHEM), in coordination with the National Commission Rights Human Rights (NCHR).

According to statistics, in Morelos could be more than 10 000 children working in the streets, but the figure could be higher because this population is constantly moving.

According to the president of the CDHEM, Lucero Benitez Villaseñor, most working children in the streets do so under the influence of drugs, mostly solvents, which used to not feel hunger, disease and alleviate pain. The problem is that some of these drugs are even provided by the mothers to leave them to work.

"The big problem is that we have children under nine years laboring and (...) The census has been the most difficult, even the DIF or the municipal authorities have that, is a floating population. "

figures fluctuate, because they must add the babies born and reduce premature deaths.

daily working hours in the streets these children are more than eight, for an average stay in the "workplace" from 9:00 am and usually go to their houses or "dens" to the 23: 00

This study, conducted last year in the capital of Morelos, shows that the situation is serious and complex, difficult to solve and control.

"It's a very serious situation in which the authorities close their eyes (...) The company feels such pain, which pays their guilt by giving money, "he said.

Giving a weight or a coin is a way to encourage, to promote work on the streets, and that more and more people, not only children but the elderly and housewives. SUFFERING

According to research data are also exploited children with disabilities. First as a vulnerable group and second to cause more shame to the people.

"It generated a very serious problem and because we are doubly victimizing a child (...) It violates the law for being a disabled child and it exploded, is committing a crime. " During the tours

personnel rights commissions made it was found that children work mainly in bars, turns red as franeleros, clowns, wipers, or where there is human trafficking, girls are forced to be sexually exploited or sold for domestic work.

On average, the children said they earn 100 pesos a day, adding no employment sought "formal" because it would remove less revenue than in public.

"Sometimes, they have more than one minimum salary (...) If you leave the streets, they will find where to earn that salary. These are children who have no grade. "

To earn more money, children working in the street have to diversify what they do and how.

If they see that one contrary does a better trick, try to make it end to earn more money. This is how the streets come to fakirs, flamethrowers and other groups of children who risk their lives for a few coins.

"If this gets on a stick, I make do with ropes or fire, use glass, and it is not only the classic that you clean the glass."

addition to this, most exploited by parents or by a leader The "regentea" and are charged a daily allowance for being on the street.

even have been spotted carrying vehicles that work items, leave them working, come back for them when we finished the day "and take them where they sleep, he said.

Most of them fled their homes to check domestic violence, and embrace your family as other children who live with them.


Due to the high number of children who leave to work in the streets, traffic lights, corners, traffic islands and medians are a coveted territory.

In each of these sites is common to see five or smaller working, said the official.

The "workplace" is defended from other groups trying to enter occupied, or spoil them.

"The territory is defended to kill, move them to the authorities involved in a conflict with the leader they have. They let him grow (the authorities) and right now there is no public policy that helps this can diminish any authority he wants to come. "

explained that as the DIF authorities have been put aside to prove that they have space to house them, but children do not want to leave the street. DDM

requested information to authorities DIF Morelos to learn about programs to combat child labor and exploitation, however, refused to give evidence because last week there was a change of ownership at the Office of the Defense of Children and Families.


Most of these children live in groups and sleep in dens or houses where there are only them but the children of those who are now teenagers.

"We see, for example, girls of 14 or 15 years to bring a baby, which do not even know who the daddy."

The observation of these groups has led to realize that most of these minor establish residency as satellite colonies and the universe, places where food is very high crime rate.

"There are already hot spots formed of people who have been settled and formed a band of a difficult population in which the police sometimes do not want to go."

For CDHEM holder, getting children off the streets is a difficult situation. Most of them are used to make money, and take them to shelters means fail to perceive the capital, making it almost impossible.

"During the visits we told them to go to a shelter and they told us" Well, then, you give me what I earn the street and go to your shelter. " DISEASE AND DEATH

Among the street children register early mortality.

The diseases that afflict them and that sometimes cause them to death are pneumonia, severe gastrointestinal infections by consuming water, cold skin, anemia, peeling scalp, cancer, chronic degenerative diseases, problems of schizophrenia, mongolism and even HIV.

These conditions are almost impossible to cure because the children have no access to a hospital or social security, what is worse and die.

Another serious problem among children is on the streets is addiction to drugs or the use of fuel to do their job, like the fire-eaters.

"People see them and say, these children (...) nothing happens but really die in a very cruel."

The mortality among them is very high because, he said, is lower than the 8 or 9 years old and have severe anemia.

"They stay in the streets and raise the Semefo. Many of them sometimes are neither defendants, not looking, no one claims it, ending in a common grave. "

Because how easy it is to make money by committing crimes, many children and adolescents are being prey to crime.

"They have 16 years and have assaulted a Oxxo, have won several times to household (...) Many are children."

mentioned that the way of life they lead, such children have no fear of the rules, for life, for they have suffered as a preferred risk.

According to observers, many of them serve criminal groups of thugs, they are chosen to serve as watchdogs, reporting and simple data passing.


Although minimal, in some hardware store and began a struggle to prevent street children use drugs. According

Javier, an employee of the hardware "El Gallito" in that establishment only sold solvents, adhesives and abrasives to people with ID.

"Children should never give them."

Javier said they have a log in scoring the buyer's name, age, the items you buy and what will be used. CRITICAL


The president of the Human Rights Commission of the State of Morelos (CDHEM), Lucero Benitez Villaseñor, criticized the action by the authorities of DIF and the security forces to stop the problem children working in the streets.

said authorities from all sectors and the items have to work in a coordinated way and, instead, do their part to take responsibility for people on the street.

"should continue programs that are already part of the DIF, restarting. Many of the programs are nothing more than being forgotten, "he said.

explained that a few years ago there was a program to recover to street children and take them to shelters, however, allowed to lose and no longer works today.

"But sometimes it just for the photo, to the start / boot and everything looks good, "she complained.

The president of the agency also said that legislators need more resources to the areas responsible for dealing with this problem and organizations dedicated to rescue minors who work in public.

called on the authorities responsible for the administration of justice to remove the big deal with the leaders who exploit children and let them charge fees for getting money.

"Let them see that it is a crime, and larger penalties, so that when the stop and seize are penalized under the law," he suggested. Benitez

Villaseñor said that's the challenge, because when they realize that there are severe penalties that are enforced and respected in accordance with the Penal Code, will not dare to repeat it.

"If we help the Attorney General's Office (PGJ) we see that what is happening is a crime, then to apply the criminal law should be, really stop to these dudes who corrupt minors. "


exploitation of child labor has become a major social concerns, as preventing development of children through the study leads to try to make life so easier.

"One of the main causes of child labor has increased the economic situation and poor distribution of wealth. This has no impact on employment and that there are communities with extreme poverty, "said sociologist and professor at the National Pedagogical University Arellano Juan de Dios Núñez.

Children are an easy target for people who are dedicated to exploit, but also the ignorance of their parents. The most delicate affectations that can cause this social problem is that the ranks of crime to thicken more easily.

"We know that young people aged 14 to 15 years who already are serving as drug dealers, simply because of easy money, luxury car, among other things, "said the scholar.

And, if you stop paying job creation, in some cases, parents are in despair to send their children to work rather than attend school. But it is also the case of parents who see their children as an option of income without effort, and may even have several children in order to stay.

"By nature a parent not risk your child to a series of activities that are dangerous, but they take this decision when they are in a desperate situation especially when parents do not have a formal education and have trouble getting a job, "he said.

sociologist considered that if there is no way to reverse child labor, the authorities should establish measures to ensure that minors be given the minimum social security. Transnational corporations, especially those employing children in activities such as packers or even children who work as day laborers.

Specifically, Arellano Núñez said the country requires the creation of jobs, especially in rural communities to prevent the migration of people as well as increasing the budget for building más escuelas, pues las cifras del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) revela que uno de cada seis niños en México trabaja, y que de cada 100 niños que inician la primaria sólo cinco logran terminar la universidad.

“También es importante crear una cultura laboral en ese sentido, pues de los males el menor, es decir, como no se puede impedir que un niño trabaje, que por lo menos, a través de los sindicatos o la Secretaría de Trabajo, se les brinden las garantías mínimas”, concluyó.


Nunca ha ido a la escuela, no sabe escribir, dice tener 13 años y desde hace 5 tiene que trabajar on the street and pay a fee to labor and half-eaten.

is known as "Teddy" and declares that since he can remember, her life has been begging and working, first forced by his mother, then by his "second family" includes more street children who like him live in dens or abandoned sites.

Sitting on the sidewalk of a street in Cuernavaca called at 9:00 pm and on the condition get no pictures, the teenager told her mother since childhood forced him to him and his three brothers to walk from his home and address several cars to Xoxocotla in Ixtla Bridge.

"We went up without food, we all dressed in filthy clothes and not let us drink. We were playing good Lips and forth, we brought a horn to beg and feel sorry for the people. "

As raindrops fell, "The Teddy" recalled that at the time her mother gave white pills while still came in the truck, minutes after he and his brothers began to sleep.

"We have closed their eyes, the boss gave us something, we remained well Jeton, sometimes to not give him any pills and it was like we were helping to beg in the cathedral there. Lips we departed, we hunger, but we had to endure, he said we were sick. "

The largest of his brothers, one day, left the house they rented, and since then not seen again.

then his mother, who refuses to give the name, was living with another man who beat and forced to go to work to maintain their vice: alcohol.

"The mere net, I was tired of fucking me, and I followed my carnival, I was with other hills he knew and gave me a chance."

At 9:30 pm he has not eaten yet, but has been in the pants 300 pesos that will help the leader the gang, his hands are dirty and has not bathed in days. When watching

hands and stares at the floor, said he has worked in many places, selling cruises, cleaning windshields, juggling, watching cars, in a bar.

"There is a rest that have gone elsewhere, others hung the shoes, always looking to change locations for work, and the territory is defended with everything else."

on the street says he lost his name, his family did not want to remember and says that life is difficult, but added that the money is easy, just like the girls, the drugs have tried marijuana and solvents, since time.

"What if I go to a shelter?, Nel, in the street earn my money, my lifestyle, I can not do anything, no rules, everything else is cool, there is a good band that is cares about you and not leave you alone. "

When asked the time, "The Teddy" rises, says goodbye, it rushes through and run down the street, while lost in the darkness among the few cars in circulation.

Though small of stature and age, you know what it is to make money. "The Charlie" has had to work since I was at primary school.

not finish the third year and is Guerrero, along with their cousins \u200b\u200band relatives who live in a hotel room.

Little makes his living selling gum and candy on the street. When he goes well out about 100 pesos you have to use to give your family, to buy the food and pay rent.

"My parents knew I was coming to work." Shy to speak, her voice very softly and always accommodating their candy in the box says that sometimes does not eat as I want or what you crave, almost always with chile tortillas.

"Sometimes I crave a taco with beef, some pork rinds, ice cream, but I can not because I have to deliver the money."

Relatives and cousins \u200b\u200bhave been directed to sell, teach the prices, give you the goods you have to sell and if it does, sometimes I scold.

"If I say things, I have stuck, but I have to go, are the ones I know here." UNAWARE OF THEIR CHILDREN

HUMAN RIGHTS The right to be protected against all forms of economic exploitation is unknown to most children and young people Jiutepec who were surveyed by staff of the Office of the Defense of Children and Family municipal.

dependence conducting a pilot program in order to obtain an analysis of knowledge of rights of children and adolescents.

The Office of the Defense of Children and Family Jiutepec, by Gabriel Pérez Casillas, performed in coordination with a private university in the state, surveys of secondary students in the municipality to detect the degree of awareness of their rights.

respondents are adolescents as leaders in their groups.

The aim of study the knowledge of the rights of children to promote workshops to inform and to help children learn to care.

also seeks to prevent minors from being sexually exploited labor, prevent their being damaged physically, psychologically, morally and socially.

About 12 children between 8 and 14 are forced to work on various cruise the town to earn their daily bread.

The figure is obtained through DIF authorities of a census.

Although dependence provide referrals to a school, the majority refuses to stop working on the streets. It is unknown whether the parents of these children who are forced to work or have any family to ensure them.


President of the Independent Commission for Human Rights (IACHR), José Martínez Cruz, criticized the performance of authorities and the lack of public policies to stop or prevent child labor in the streets and their exploitation.

mentioned that the lack of attention has increased the number of children who go to the streets to work selling goods, or as a wiper and franeleros, among other trades.

"It has been claimed that the authorities have a policy, that not only count, but include them in public policies to guarantee rights."

said that from his trench, has realized how to increase the number of children in the streets.

accused children to go on the streets because have no choice, since there is no public policy to address them and sometimes road is all that remains.

"The migration has spurred the fact that children are in distress, and other phenomenon we have witnessed is coming from other states to work here," he explained.

said they are the agencies and governments which do not take their commitment and on the other hand, civil society organizations that have resources for this not really support the children.

"There are organizations that receive public funding to address such issues, but often these organizations have a large staff paid for this. Unfortunately, the benefits do not reach the children. "

added that this is not unique to leaders, but also large companies that hire young, who do not give them a salary and offered no social security or benefits.


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