Thursday, July 22, 2010

Gruyere Cheese Publix

cultural center inaugurated in Xoxocotla

Ixtla Bridge, Morelos .- In order to rescue and promote their own culture, residents of the indigenous community of Xoxocotla Xoxocolteco Cultural Center opened, in which children and adolescents receive for free art classes, music, dance, theater, courses to preserve Nahuatl language, recycling, puppets, devoted to beauty.

Cultural Center is located in the heart of Xoxocotla a project that achieves fruition after several years with the support of the municipal administration headed by José Moisés Méndez Ponce released Armed committee members Eulogio Salazar Valencia and Santos, who accompanied by Councilman Stone René Jiménez, María Dolores Bahena, pupils from different primary schools, secondary school: the CBTA 8 and Gregorio Bahena on behalf of the mayor cut the ribbon on this house of culture in Xoxocotla.

are already about 200 students who are receiving these workshops which are taught in two hours morning and evening thanks to the participation of the Institute of Culture in Morelos, the Mexican Social Security Institute and the National Commission for the Development of Peoples Indigenous.

From this date, the Cultural Center Xoxocolteco work in borrowed facilities. Despite the commitment of municipal authorities, because the request has already been referred to the council is to achieve the donation of a surface, making the management with various bodies to obtain sufficient financial resources and have a building of their own, said the director of Culture Center, Armando Valencia.

interview at the end of a small event in which primary and secondary infants danced, recited, sang and even participated in the play about the history of Mexico, Armando Valencia explained that "this is the project that was presented to Mayor recently and it seemed interesting and City Council supported the objective is driven primarily focused on strengthening and rescue cultural values \u200b\u200bXoxocotla because the workshops are taught nobility interesting because although many people decry Xoxocotla another heart maintains the traditions and customs that distinguish it. "

exhibited again, "if indeed want to build a Mexican nation then should be way for the new stage where demand indigenismo a much more firm in all that it implies the problem in the country, because the rich cultural diversity and in that sense is to promote and rescue the traditions of all indigenous peoples that exist in Morelos.


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