Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kidney Stones Lime Juice Olive Oil

is absolutely clear that fell from the decision to formalize mature mining in Madre de Dios to end environmental damage. When analyzing data about the high informal gold production (whose price is high for years) explains the deep interest they want to prevent the advance of the conclusion.
Here. Gold production in 2009, according to the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) was 183.215 kg, of which 88% corresponded to the Medium and Large Scale formal. In second place comes the Informal Mining Medium (MMI), located in Madre de Dios, with 17.215 kg, very significant amount and that is causing the problem. Come nowhere near the miners and small miners.
MEM But statistics do not paint the full picture. A recent study by Mr. Hector Benavente Revilla (1), FODAMI mining company, analyzes the production of artisanal gold mining, region by region and states that production actually amounts to 30.906 kg, ten times the MEM. There are Arequipa, Piura, Ayacucho, Puno, La Libertad, Selva Norte, Lima, Ica, among others.
This brings the total production of 211.301 kg and artisanal mining is now 14.6% of total. Remarkable. The study multiplies that amount by the price of gold and gets that the gross value of production is U.S. $ 967 million annually. This would explain the Chala protest: "What we do to Mother of God I going to do to me."
Keep in mind that small producers are not left with the bulk of revenues, for here come the collectors and, above all, the concentrators that "cleanse" the tailings and eventually export it through trading houses.

is here is another pearl. " Says a study of the Andean Community "Peru is the only country with exports of gold under the name of" unrecorded trade "and qualified as Gold Exports Laundry (smuggling), whose origin is associated with artisanal mining / informal / illegal "(quoted in the opinion of the Committee on Energy and Mines of Congress, 19/05/2009, chaired Rolando Reategui). '
This explains the "discrepancy" between gold production recorded by the MEM and the volume of exports recorded by Sunat and BCR. Christian, production informal "legal" and exported. Here is a broad field of research for the Sunat that detected some years ago that the U.S. company Engelhard falsified invoices and expenses to "legitimize" informal mining exports.
Finally, and this is a problem, to solve the Mother of God, the government issued the Emergency Decree 012-2010 (23 DU this van and 2009). As with the legislative decrees to "conform to the FTA," which led to Baguazo, "has once again bypass the Congress and DU was not consulted. Eye, in this case the DU could be "very good" (their analysis will be the subject of another article), but if they skip the democratic bodies are generated social problems that have caused 6 deaths. The government did not learn the lesson and re-encounter the same stone.
(1) "economic and social contribution of artisanal gold mining, formal and informal, and its problems", submitted to the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru.


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