Saturday, May 15, 2010

Southpark Friend Tryouts

Xoxocotla residents return to its level "Mar de Morelos"

the next three years it expects to recover the water level in Lake Tequesquitengo, Franzoni said Victor Gonzalez, director of the Trust of the lake, during the traditional festival of " Ascension Day of the Lord. "

Interviewed about the results of efforts to restore the water level, said that in the last three years succeeded in gaining among 35 to 40 inches a year, said little, but it is an area of \u200b\u200b8 square kilometers and 169 million liters of water that has this lake, so that the annual recovery is important.

To this has had to work with ejidos and irrigation systems both ejido Tequesquitengo Xoxocotla like that after showering the plots throughout the agricultural area where irrigation occurs surpluses water coming through an area called deep ravine.

"The work that has been doing is cleaning, maintenance and construction of channels of these systems to ensure that the lake receives water daily, so every Monday of each week we review the rule with the National Water Commission, which is the federal agency in charge of the lake.

currently 3 meters 22 centimeters that the lake was deficient, lacking only one meter 19 centimeters and is expected to recover to achieve these actions in the past three years, "he said, recalling that only evaporation of water had annual losses of up to two meters in the level of the "Sea of \u200b\u200bMorelos.

acknowledged that take four years working with service providers and residents that rescue activity level of the lake which is a of the most important.

While admitting that another important issue is the quality of water, "I want to comment that month by month, with the support of the Ministry of Health is monitoring the water quality parameters are well below as manifested by the World Health Organization, and is ready for recreational use. "

admitted, "is not to drink water that is heavy in minerals, not to hurt but it is heavy and cleanses the body" and the bottom of the lake there tequesquite mines.

The Trust's director said that another issue receiving attention is the image lake village, and it already takes fourth stage.


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