Saturday, May 15, 2010

Old Wrecked Boats For Sale

Closed drain pans

Ixtla Bridge, Morelos .- The municipal government started working on the introduction of drainage in the Miguel de la Madrid of San Jose Vista Hermosa, which was blocked by the inhabitants of the indigenous community Xoxocotla headed by ejido Romualdo Juan Contreras Valencia. This situation caused the families of colony Miguel de la Madrid did not have a place to discharge their wastewater.

Nearly one hundred neighbors Xoxocotla accompanied by the police violently broke community to the Miguel de la Madrid, even though the family tried to establish a dialogue with the protesters, they proceeded to close completely with cement and concrete stones, two pots and the general discharge of drains found despite the limits of San Jose Vista Hermosa.

should be noted that two weeks ago a group of ejidatarios Xoxocotla arrived at City Hall to request that should close the drain and after a dialogue with city officials agreed that the residents of Xoxocotla have a meeting to respond to by Thursday, May 6, to learn what the community agreed and they asked the government la construcción de tres puentes para su ejido, pero nunca emitieron una respuesta y procedieron a bloquear el drenaje.

Fue la regiduría de Obras Públicas; el secretario general del Ayuntamiento, Florentino Torres López, la directora de asesoría jurídica, Gloria Iliana Gual Rivera; el ayudante de San José, Efrén Jiménez Reza y el comisariado ejidal, Salome Trujillo; el contralor municipal, Maryo Luis Moreno Abarca y los titulares del Coplademun quienes se trasladaron al lugar de los hechos para entablar un diálogo con los pobladores de Xoxocotla, pero éstos no quisieron y actuaron arbitrariamente invadiendo el territorio de San José Vista Hermosa destapando dos registros of the Miguel de la Madrid plugging them with cement, so that the face of these facts they proceeded to launch a preliminary investigation to the prosecutor due to damage to federal public works.

evening I arrived to the Miguel de la Madrid, the mayor, Jose Moises Ponce Mendez, who held a meeting with the residents of the Miguel de la Madrid, who assured them that "you are not alone despite being a problem over 10 years, the City will perform the work necessary to solve this problem today at eight o'clock arrived the municipal authorities to implement the project to divert sewage from San Jose Vista Hermosa which includes the installation of a filter in that place without compromising the suburbs of both peoples.


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