Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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is absolutely clear that fell from the decision to formalize mature mining in Madre de Dios to end environmental damage. When analyzing data about the high informal gold production (whose price is high for years) explains the deep interest they want to prevent the advance of the conclusion.
Here. Gold production in 2009, according to the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) was 183.215 kg, of which 88% corresponded to the Medium and Large Scale formal. In second place comes the Informal Mining Medium (MMI), located in Madre de Dios, with 17.215 kg, very significant amount and that is causing the problem. Come nowhere near the miners and small miners.
MEM But statistics do not paint the full picture. A recent study by Mr. Hector Benavente Revilla (1), FODAMI mining company, analyzes the production of artisanal gold mining, region by region and states that production actually amounts to 30.906 kg, ten times the MEM. There are Arequipa, Piura, Ayacucho, Puno, La Libertad, Selva Norte, Lima, Ica, among others.
This brings the total production of 211.301 kg and artisanal mining is now 14.6% of total. Remarkable. The study multiplies that amount by the price of gold and gets that the gross value of production is U.S. $ 967 million annually. This would explain the Chala protest: "What we do to Mother of God I going to do to me."
Keep in mind that small producers are not left with the bulk of revenues, for here come the collectors and, above all, the concentrators that "cleanse" the tailings and eventually export it through trading houses.

is here is another pearl. " Says a study of the Andean Community "Peru is the only country with exports of gold under the name of" unrecorded trade "and qualified as Gold Exports Laundry (smuggling), whose origin is associated with artisanal mining / informal / illegal "(quoted in the opinion of the Committee on Energy and Mines of Congress, 19/05/2009, chaired Rolando Reategui). '
This explains the "discrepancy" between gold production recorded by the MEM and the volume of exports recorded by Sunat and BCR. Christian, production informal "legal" and exported. Here is a broad field of research for the Sunat that detected some years ago that the U.S. company Engelhard falsified invoices and expenses to "legitimize" informal mining exports.
Finally, and this is a problem, to solve the Mother of God, the government issued the Emergency Decree 012-2010 (23 DU this van and 2009). As with the legislative decrees to "conform to the FTA," which led to Baguazo, "has once again bypass the Congress and DU was not consulted. Eye, in this case the DU could be "very good" (their analysis will be the subject of another article), but if they skip the democratic bodies are generated social problems that have caused 6 deaths. The government did not learn the lesson and re-encounter the same stone.
(1) "economic and social contribution of artisanal gold mining, formal and informal, and its problems", submitted to the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru.

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MAYTA JUST jewel of jewels of LIVISI II

Paucarpata The district now is being challenged by the actions being done by the mayor, Mr. Justo Mayta Livisi, who is on the campaign trail using money of its population.

acontinuación some pictures we took of all the scenes that is putting in his district.

Bambalina placed on the educational institution Neptaly Valderrama, Just when you start the "alleged training" for teachers and for high s ehan suspended academic work from 31 March to 2 April.

This is the vehicle of the municipality, for the press area and the Mayor in his challenge and his audacity has set his face next to a group of children, this picture is not edited or anything like that on the street at 8:38 am Civil Guard of morning.

Top of Paucarpata, as Mayor computer delivering a child and this panel is currently in place.

are the jewels of the arrogant Mayor Paucarpata, which is concerned, according to him, the workers did strike d elimpieza.


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Picture taken at the door Paucarpata cemetery, located three blocks from the municipality.

advertisement 6 m 3, within the educational institution Neptaly Valderrama, clearly this is an offense to the people of Paucarpata, and in their noses, Don Justo and his farm does with the resources.

understand that this school has the name of the mayor, though one side is the poster that is acontinuación, it would be good representatives or someone from the municipality dePaucarpata clear to us because we are completely wrong-headed.

This photo shows the presence of the mayor and school children in San Pedro and San Pablo del pueblo joven Jorge Chavez.

Nobody has

anyone caught, or as they say there is no eagerness nungún electioneering. Already

s evienen more gems of other mayors of the city of Arequipa, and we will decentralize to our information.

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All families who have lost loved ones in traffic accidents, families now live with the ravages of traffic accidents, claiming disability for the rest of the life of one of its members my solidarity. Condolences to the ten Peruvian families according to statistics from the past five years because one of its members will lose their lives today as a result a traffic accident. Fortaleza
my fellow citizens who have to endure authorities indolent, corrupt and unable to misfortune on tracks, streets and highways of Peru by collisions and violations. Fortaleza fellow citizens to the inefficiency and lack of professionalism of the various authorities have a duty to transform our transportation infrastructure, to develop real and sustainable prevention programs in road safety to lower the average fatal deaths and injuries that accumulate as the years pass. Fortaleza
citizens to have this tragic collective destiny to bear the executioners of misfortune. Is that the National Council Road safety is celebrating for the second time, this column will be told to do, What to celebrate? Suddenly congratulate the silent complicity with the abuse of the rules of the road and keep your mouth shut, because the urban transport decided to put a sticker that marks like top speed 70 KM per hour, the face of such cowardice Peruvians What should we do?

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require a change of director at CETIS 122, Xoxocotla

Angelina Albarran Bridge
Ixtla, Morelos .- In protest against a series of abuses and deficiencies CETIS 122 administrative staff Xoxocotla demand the removal of the director Yuri María del Carmen Yadira Moreno Baez, was announced by Luis Rodríguez Herrera, Secretary General Delegation D II 57.

Al overflow type problems at work, the institution is without a head for five weeks, before the series of problems faced by workers who protested and demanded the removal of the director. "The conflict was triggered by the procedures and delays in payments, delivery of documentation to relevant authorities," said union representative.

After disclosing that have been extended to 10 months feel the steps of change, as many who are filling seats have been unable to collect because there has been no lowering of workers.

and stated: "It is proposed to regularize the payments and the basis is tired of this lag, we ask that people who really want to come to work and wants to campus, this is reflected in the core problems that demand a change of director Yuri María del Carmen Yadira Moreno Báez.

Rodríguez Herrera said the director arrived on 19 April last year, and since I arrived people have suffered problems with bullying and abuse, which has triggered protests and demand for removal of the director, subject to be determined a union meeting with union representatives at the regional Alpuyeca.

This article aims at explaining the problems faced by the 81 unionized teachers and administrators, who attend a school population of 200 thousand students.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

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Peoples Council Protects springs

Jojutla, Morelos .- "Our demands have been echoed to the authorities but in communities where socio-environmental damage is huge," said Saul Roque Athanasius, the Council peoples, to make known that stay the dialogue table since December 2008.

The Chairman of the People of the State of Morelos and neighboring community Xoxocotla said in an interview, that while there have been echoed their demands with the authorities, they have been echoed with the same people, because the root our movement and has helped other communities be encouraged to complain and to demand rights they are entitled to because here is the socio-environmental damage that we are living and every day is worse.

noted that communities that are not part of the Council of Peoples are becoming aware of any environmental damage being caused, "we see the involvement of our lands, our forests, our water, our wind, in order , and especially of our own culture. "

Roque Morales said: "We continue to face discrimination and marginalization of the authorities that following the suspension of the dialogue that we were by the government, was suspended December 10, 2008 and to date do not deign to continue this dialogue to find solutions. "

the absence of responses to the proposals and alternative solutions to different cases, such as Chihuahuita the springs, the case of El Zapote, and the protected area that we intend to continue to be maintaining the groundwater of these sources and what they did was a decree where they are supposed to protect the natural area but only look where are springing up our waters, but are not considered the site to continue holding these aquifers and is therefore still struggling. "
that the cement company is equipped with 37 or 39 hectares for exploitation of the Sierra Montenegro, there is lost a large part of organic life that the region needs and that may have affected communities Tetecalita, Ticumán, Tepetzingo and surroundings, which can affect both the supply of water, as the deterioration of their homes because some homes and communities Tepetzingo Tetecalita and its buildings are damaged.

"We note with sadness that the authorities have been responsive to our complaints and the protection they need our people and so much so that we see the problems that have been taken in the northern part of our The state specifically where unfortunately there Texcal murdered our companion Miguel Ángel Pérez Casares on 31 October last year and so far not been clarified, nor have they been solved invasion problems that exist there in the Texcal by invasions ".

Friday, May 21, 2010

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Tower of Babel: Letter to a leader: from present to past

Writer Rossalí
Salazar García *
General Emiliano Zapata Salazar

been a while since you died. His memory lives among us, a part of you is Morelos each fighting for a better world for their land, by nature, justice and peace.
The struggle of our people continues, because the situation, despite so many years, remains the same, when you fought. Past and present come together with the same problems and battles. Our people are still pouring into the streets demanding justice and freedom are lost land reclaimed to be split and sold, the peasantry suffered enough because although the government offered "support" do not get enough to live, and therefore forced to sell every inch, so angry that he won, losing food sovereignty, we characterized some years ago.
The problem of pollution and environmental devastation, it seems minor, Nature care is terrible rivers were our modes of recreation, now look contaminated and it is rare to see a living fence; the few canyons clean snatch us under the name of "environmental projects", which turn out to be contaminated anyway.
But not all bad news, it's good to know that there are those who seek to improve this situation, however, are treated as criminals, imprisoned and persecuted, violate their human rights, and who sometimes gave his life. I also want to tell our state is going through a critical moment of violence, Morelos is besieged by drug trafficking and spreads panic among the people, the government guarantees security.
However, the people will not give up, the fighting feels is reflected in communities such as: Xoxocotla Alpuyeca, Yautepec, Coajomulco, Tepoztlan, Santa Catarina, Flores Magon, among others, those opposed to projects such as roads , gas stations, golf courses, landfills, that affect the economy, the fields or how to live, we know why, when the time comes, we will leave what you started hundred years ago.
face death to give life! Sincerely
The heirs of their ideals.
* Student of the Faculty of Humanities UAEM

Thursday, May 20, 2010

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Begins Xoxocotla drainage repair to itinerant

Ixtla Bridge, Morelos .- For intransigence of the ejido of the indigenous community of Xoxocotla, Romualdo Contreras Valencia, who covered it with cement and sand to drain the Miguel de la Madrid causing serious health problems for families, municipal government through the stage manager of Public Works began the construction of a filter on the streets of Porfirio Diaz and Guadalupe Victoria to allow the treated water reaches the fields.

scene at the mayor arrived Ponce José Moisés Méndez accompanied by Councillor for Urban Development and Public Works Miguel Angel Acevedo Barrientos with the machinery and workers to proceed on track for wastewater in a stretch of 800 meters and proceeded to open the pots that are in the community of San Jose Vista Hermosa and were blocked by the residents of Xoxocotla , headed by ejido.

"We are here to solve this problem, there is a special treat wastewater because with the intense heat that has been recorded in recent days that could be unleashed on a health issue for residents," said Councilmember Moses Ponce Mendez, who lamented the attitude of the ejido to the families of San Jose Vista Hermosa.

revealed that these jobs are running on the Miguel de la Madrid, San Jose Vista Hermosa, and conclude no later than one month, the municipal government will allocate more than a million pesos, said that the budget designated for the construction of three bridges that will benefit San Jose Vista Hermosa and even Xoxocotla rose by malicious and perverse actions that made those Xoxocotla.

However, the Councillor for Public Works confirmed that "this does not affect in any works to be held in San Jose Vista Hermosa in this year our surprise was the act of Xoxocotla because we had already spoken with them and did not respect the agreements and water goes without saying proceeded to plug the drain even a part is not theirs but San Jose Vista Hermosa ".

Finally, the mayor, Jose Moises Ponce Mendez, said that the City proceeded to pick up the appropriate report to the Attorney General for the offense of injury and that is because no one can live with impunity and said that after many years Finally, the Miguel de la Madrid will have its own drainage on the land where the filters are constructed drainage said there are possibilities of the City to buy and not be paying rent for the use of this site.

should be noted that one of the neighbors who live just opposite the area where they are developing these actions mentioned that her daughter has and a sharp eye infection "so we ask the support of the mayor who was here very early to end the problem caused by families of indigenous community Xoxocotla.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

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Jojutla, Morelos .- Jojutla municipal authorities conducted raids against street vendors who were on the periphery of the three markets in this town, where they arrested a marriage and the woman is three months pregnant.

Edge of nine in the morning, more than twenty elements of Public Safety headed by the director of this corporation, Gualberto Hernandez Abarca, began operating the 57 Constitution Street where they were seizing what they found in its path as it was : good for churros, tomatoes, coconut drinks, fruit cocktails, etc. On the street

Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez marriage was selling tomatoes in a truck, prosecutors asked them to withdraw and avoid it being confiscated their goods, but they, as a group of traveling salesmen opposed, amid cries and drawing the municipal police took Mr. Lucas and his wife to Azucena, who is three months pregnant, were subdued by force, beaten and taken to the cells.

itinerant group, stated that: "It's not just that we want to remove the goods, hence we eat, do not steal, that the elements of Public Safety stop the thieves, not pregnant women regardless of the state hit pregnant when they are. "

For his part, Director of Public Safety, Gualberto Hernandez Abarca, said it was part of the support that gives the address of Licensing and Regulation, which so far have been made fifteen operations so far this year, "Licensing and Regulation is permanently in these operations, we only support and first invited them carefully to withdraw, because they can be in one place," he said, that the two people arrested were sentenced according to court as required by the Civic.

In an interview, a woman named Catherine Dominguez Martinez, 88 said, it takes more than fifty years selling outside the Benito Juarez market, guavas, lemons, Guamuchil, cilantro "No hindrance, but local police told me I removed but I withdraw my goods, in another operation if I took my things and returned to me within three days with my good and rotten, I just want to work is what I live, no one remains. "

worth mentioning that the director of Licensing and Regulation, Carlos Vargas Becerra not granted an interview to this medium, arguing that they allow you to provide information and could only grant the Secretary of Government, Fernando Martinez, when the officer was who led the operation and requested the support of Public Safety, but we apply the law gag.

However, the last administration officials had said in interviews that the vendors are from organizations indigenous community Xoxocotla where the morning trucks come with vegetables and trucks distributed the goods to their workers and later sell them coming to pick, well, it was found positions include churros, vegetables and chopped, which, for local traders affects sales.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

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the three markets call for the arrest of bike and pedicab

More than 500 motorcycle taxis and pedicabs operate in the southern state, a service that is illegal because it has a concession to provide transportation service, as opposed to a taxi or a path. The existence of these transport units for unfair competition to regular vehicles, as in Xoxocotla communities like Santa Rosa 30, San Miguel and Ticumán people prefer to use a bike or rickshaw to move, plus the service is cheaper. In this situation, concessionaires of public transport in the southern asked the department to remove this public service transport and detain hundreds of motorcycle taxis and pedicabs operating in several municipalities of Morelos as Xochitepec, Puente de Ixtla, Tlaltizapán and Zacatepec.

The petition as part of the actions that the Directorate General of Transport undertook to take to abate the problem of transporting pirated, once the reform of the Transportation Security Act Public and have the powers to monitor and detain irregular units.

Route 4 and Route Independiente de San Miguel in the south are the main organizations that have expressed disappointment that the state government has not acted to eliminate this type of transport, despite which is illegal.

is that the motorcycle taxis and pedicabs operate not only without a concession, also run on federal roads without permission from the Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT).

However, public transport is more popular in the communities of the south and a way of life for many families, since there are about 20 organizations already known in the villages.

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Closed drain pans

Ixtla Bridge, Morelos .- The municipal government started working on the introduction of drainage in the Miguel de la Madrid of San Jose Vista Hermosa, which was blocked by the inhabitants of the indigenous community Xoxocotla headed by ejido Romualdo Juan Contreras Valencia. This situation caused the families of colony Miguel de la Madrid did not have a place to discharge their wastewater.

Nearly one hundred neighbors Xoxocotla accompanied by the police violently broke community to the Miguel de la Madrid, even though the family tried to establish a dialogue with the protesters, they proceeded to close completely with cement and concrete stones, two pots and the general discharge of drains found despite the limits of San Jose Vista Hermosa.

should be noted that two weeks ago a group of ejidatarios Xoxocotla arrived at City Hall to request that should close the drain and after a dialogue with city officials agreed that the residents of Xoxocotla have a meeting to respond to by Thursday, May 6, to learn what the community agreed and they asked the government la construcción de tres puentes para su ejido, pero nunca emitieron una respuesta y procedieron a bloquear el drenaje.

Fue la regiduría de Obras Públicas; el secretario general del Ayuntamiento, Florentino Torres López, la directora de asesoría jurídica, Gloria Iliana Gual Rivera; el ayudante de San José, Efrén Jiménez Reza y el comisariado ejidal, Salome Trujillo; el contralor municipal, Maryo Luis Moreno Abarca y los titulares del Coplademun quienes se trasladaron al lugar de los hechos para entablar un diálogo con los pobladores de Xoxocotla, pero éstos no quisieron y actuaron arbitrariamente invadiendo el territorio de San José Vista Hermosa destapando dos registros of the Miguel de la Madrid plugging them with cement, so that the face of these facts they proceeded to launch a preliminary investigation to the prosecutor due to damage to federal public works.

evening I arrived to the Miguel de la Madrid, the mayor, Jose Moises Ponce Mendez, who held a meeting with the residents of the Miguel de la Madrid, who assured them that "you are not alone despite being a problem over 10 years, the City will perform the work necessary to solve this problem today at eight o'clock arrived the municipal authorities to implement the project to divert sewage from San Jose Vista Hermosa which includes the installation of a filter in that place without compromising the suburbs of both peoples.

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Xoxocotla residents return to its level "Mar de Morelos"

the next three years it expects to recover the water level in Lake Tequesquitengo, Franzoni said Victor Gonzalez, director of the Trust of the lake, during the traditional festival of " Ascension Day of the Lord. "

Interviewed about the results of efforts to restore the water level, said that in the last three years succeeded in gaining among 35 to 40 inches a year, said little, but it is an area of \u200b\u200b8 square kilometers and 169 million liters of water that has this lake, so that the annual recovery is important.

To this has had to work with ejidos and irrigation systems both ejido Tequesquitengo Xoxocotla like that after showering the plots throughout the agricultural area where irrigation occurs surpluses water coming through an area called deep ravine.

"The work that has been doing is cleaning, maintenance and construction of channels of these systems to ensure that the lake receives water daily, so every Monday of each week we review the rule with the National Water Commission, which is the federal agency in charge of the lake.

currently 3 meters 22 centimeters that the lake was deficient, lacking only one meter 19 centimeters and is expected to recover to achieve these actions in the past three years, "he said, recalling that only evaporation of water had annual losses of up to two meters in the level of the "Sea of \u200b\u200bMorelos.

acknowledged that take four years working with service providers and residents that rescue activity level of the lake which is a of the most important.

While admitting that another important issue is the quality of water, "I want to comment that month by month, with the support of the Ministry of Health is monitoring the water quality parameters are well below as manifested by the World Health Organization, and is ready for recreational use. "

admitted, "is not to drink water that is heavy in minerals, not to hurt but it is heavy and cleanses the body" and the bottom of the lake there tequesquite mines.

The Trust's director said that another issue receiving attention is the image lake village, and it already takes fourth stage.

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Increase scorpion stings in Xoxocotla

Ixtla Bridge, Morelos .- The Xoxocotla community, has the highest rate of scorpion stings in Ixtla bridge are recorded between 22 to 25 cases reported, Ortega Cristian Medico Health Center of the community.

This alerted the family to cooperate in the prevention and descacharrización campaign conducted by the Delegate Council for Social Welfare headed Ixtla Bridge, Gregorio Vidal Esteban.

mentioned that this hot weather and strong winds cause there's much scorpion, because in the cold season patients served by the bite of these spiders are about 10 to 15.

this situation because dengue and scorpion stings affecting the health of those living in Xoxocotla integration proceeded to the Municipal Committee of Health, which works in the cleaning of homes different colonies, so that no tools which can reproduce the mosquito that transmits dengue.

said that fortunately the Xoxocotla Health Center operates 24 hours, 365 days a year, also has enough anti-scorpion serum.

And finally, noted that these actions are made known to all students of different educational levels, who have insisted that prevention is the best way to decrease the incidence of various gastrointestinal diseases, both and respiratory, among others.

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Bridge Ixtla In support education Iragorri

Ixtla Bridge, Morelos .- With the purpose of the Primary School "Child Heroes" Ahuehuetzingo community, achieve an end to their educational needs, taking into account the need for a classroom for infants from the sixth grade, the municipal government gave the director of the institution, Cesar Landa García, a check for 50 thousand dollars under the program "Quality Schools." This

during a visit by the mayor to indigenous rural area where 186 students were present full time, who through the small Sinahí Mariela Aldana Bello, sophomore, welcomed "who despite to be very busy there was a time to listen to our demands, but above all for supporting us. "

In the presence of mothers, the director said that while the municipal government delivered a check for 50 thousand dollars, the federal government is committed to deliver an equal amount which will be deposited and subsequently submitted for consideration by the Participation Council members and teachers for a decision on what work is the highest priority for implementation.

institution said that in this small fall at eight in the morning and leave at four in the afternoon by being full time, which let them receive computer classes, English and also learn in school gardens operating through an irrigation system which works through the support of the State DIF, who also built a kitchen that provides food to Piarists.

noted that these jobs have great benefits to students and parents living in rural area where only indigenous with a group grade.

should be noted that before the withdrawal of the mayor, after breakfast with the students was approached by a group of mothers who requested the intervention of the police elements to safeguard the heritage of all small, emitting a response satisfactory for this application. Minutes later

Ponce José Moisés Méndez moved to the Indian community to be with managers Xoxocotla and infants Elementary School "Lázaro Cárdenas" because through the Education Infrastructure Fund resources have benefited about 2 million pesos "We will be there to see if they got them or what has passed, as if they have not yet this budget will go to the Institute of Basic Education to know what is happening, "he said.

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Don Raúl Aranda

Since childhood, in his native Orizaba, showed his skills seller primary and secondary education, sharing their food at recess for the currencies of its peers. Born January 20, 1910 and its ability to work paved the way for its entire existence. Shortly after arriving in Cuernavaca, in 1934, he worked as curator at the City Hall, was Orange Crush soda distributor, dealer and then part owner of the factory Cementos Moctezuma, Federal Deputy Morelos and one of the first founders of the Industrial Park, Industrial City in the Valley of Cuernavaca (CIVAC).

His parents, Jose and Maria Aranda Iragorri, from Spain, arrived in Mexico in the early twentieth century. Raul sent to finish high school at Mexico City. On February 16, 1934, married the beautiful Bertha Montoya friendly and Magaña, great family film and theater stars of our country; 5 children: Raul, Carlos, Bertha, Maria Luisa and Hilda, who gave 18 cute grandchildren.
They say that at age 19, Raul measured 1.87 m tall and nicknamed "Bone." He wanted to be a bullfighter, and a rush of fans gave him a "chest pass" a heifer of 200 kilos to two meters away. That was his first and last foray into bullfighting, then realized it would be better trader bullfighter.
Cuernavaca His first was the Municipal Commissioner, during the presidency of Don Matías Polanco, who found in him the right person and decided for this post.
With the great skill that characterized him in business, got the first distributor of Orange Crush soda in Cuernavaca and in 1950 he was given the award of the parastatal in the hands of Nacional Financiera (NAFINSA) Factory Cementos Moctezuma, which was located in Jiutepec, Morelos and helped to develop around the center of the country, setting up distributors in Mexico City, Taxco, Iguala, Chilpancingo, Tierra Colorada, Zihuatanejo and the beautiful port of Acapulco.
Subsequently, Nacional Financiera determined to sell the factory Cementos Moctezuma and Iragorri Raúl Aranda, was associated with the engineer Manuel Mariscal Abascal, who like Don Raúl was a man of proven work and honesty. Raul Mariscal Iragorri and the engineer decided to buy it, forming a good team.
Among the social benefits effected Don Raúl was a custom to offer scholarships leading to low-income students so they will not stop studying as he did, who wanted to become an engineer and for economic reasons, could not continue.
In 1970 he built the municipal seats and Tlalquiltenango Xoxocotla and similarly, in 1973 sent Jojutla pave streets, Xoxocotla Tlalquiltenango and Amacuzac. In these same cities built five elementary schools and three secondary. In these places, his bonhomie and generous assistance to the population, remains a man widely remembered and loved by the whole community.
In 1970 he entered the real estate business and between various properties, built the division "Tariana" located on the Paseo Cuahunáhuac of Cuernavaca. Later he built the division "The Bonnet" in Jojutla, Morelos.
was director of the National banks in Mexico, Bancomer and Banco del Sur Don Carlos Novoa. He served as Secretary General of the Popular Sector of the PRI. Became interested in his political career, becoming, Morelos federal deputy for the government of President Emilio Rivapalacio. It was the first Director of Industry and Commerce of the State. But he preferred being an entrepreneur, joining back to the private sector. And so he became one of the creators of the Industrial City of Cuernavaca (CIVAC), which brought to Cuernavaca, many investment opportunities and plenty of new jobs. Don Raúl Iragorri
Aranda, died on November 2, 1988 in Cuernavaca, a painful disease called paraneoplastic polyneuritis, leaving in the minds of cuernavacenses the example of a man devoted to his work and a successful businessman.

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From now to 2012 ...

For governor in 2012, by PRI Municipal President Manuel Martinez Garrigós, with the strength of the votes in the election that brought out after twelve years of Cuernavaca PAN government and therefore target of a campaign of attacks with the blue seal allied with the PRD Chuchos in Morelos. The recent advertisement of the list of advisors to the City at the press conference Dulce María Arias Atayde. Representative of the self-styled "Democratic Social Movement," a direct relationship to environmental Oscar Dorado former mayor who supports the PAN Jesus Sanchez Giles in the landfill issue of Loma de Mejía for the privatization of the garbage that has cost the city more than a hundred million dollars annually, the onslaught of Ms. Arias would have been more "fair" by which of course did
remember the list of the kindred of the Sagrada Familia in public office, insisting in the list of airmen of the Institute of Basic Education of the State of Morelos in vain opposed by the PRD Congresswoman Hortensia Figueroa. Francisco Moreno Merino also coordinator of the PRI caucus in the Federal House of Representatives, positioned at the top of the national PRI, recognized by Beatriz Paredes political work he did in the process of Tlaxcala candidates for elections next July ... In PAN is formed Adrián Rivera Pérez. "It's up," they warn their allies. Remember: coordinated campaign of Felipe Morelos. They say sure there is no other, and if any in the cabinet of Marco Adame, Sergio Hernández Oscar Benitez is of who have hopes but knows it would have to wait "their turn." Senator yet, Sergio Álvarez Mata Adrian stopped worrying at the time of their disastrous defeat by the city of Cuernavaca. Secretary of Health and affections of friendship, Victor Manuel Caballero Solano is medical, not political, but in one of those unusual plays in politics, the influence of his friend and colleague at the National PAN could put on the black horse lane. Either way, the PAN will not fight, and if there is misunderstanding, will do so underground, dirty laundry at home, taking care not to appear as a party of lustful. In fact, the group spent months criticizing Adrian forms and actions of the Governor, but "short" ... The "cock" the PRD will Graco Ramirez Garrido Abreu; not seen one in the current Chuchos. Then candidate for mayor of Jiutepec, Rabindranath Salazar Solorio had the distinction of being the Pegea came to raise his hand. After a natural candidate for federal deputy, he opted for the safety of the local multi, shrink from Graco, decreased in Congress, unable until now to take the auditor Gerardo Gomez ...
Casamata positions, circumstances and aspirations can be seen from an airplane. And at this juncture, the proximity of the change of state PRI president. So it seems that this time it is the call, Victor Manuel Saucedo Perdomo has brought back the head. Maneuver, send letters to recipients suggests the "reflection" promotes meetings, speak their fellow Manlio Fabio Beltrones that "it looks good," old and recent recruits known Garrigos campaign. At the same time, Amado Orihuela Trejo reappears in the media suggesting a unity pact, suggesting a single candidate, he, of course, everyone would love to be the only record, "admits the probability of the open method of consultation and consideration as alleged bags sent from the FSTSE tickets for his campaign. Calla Samuel Palma Cesar, relatively quiet here, moved in circles De Efe PRI, backed by the group of former governor Antonio Riva Palacio. Nervous some more, some less, compared with just two soups: the consultation launched by which competing group Marisela Sánchez Cortés and Guillermo del Valle Reyes or the candidate of unity, if hardly come out of a political settlement of the local forces just slap it imposed Beatriz Paredes. Alerts for this week ...
While not new, the problem of lots "duck" Used cars are not only effective, it has grown. On more than one occasion we have discussed. The company sees it but not the authority. As never before in the past years have proliferated. Are installed at any place: at the roadside or Zacatepec Temixco-Alpuyeca-Jojutla, under a tree outside a hall. Sellers often use cell phones, not fixed, and having no tax addresses the buyer to jump a legal problem with the vehicle that bought it is difficult to locate the seller and, if successful, can do little to defend himself, he will have signed a "responsive" freeing man from all liability item "duck." They have been operating in the irregularity, are in sight of all, avoid paying taxes by hundreds of millions of pesos. In fact, "lots" formal facilities evade the Value Added Tax (VAT) and Income Tax (ISR). No invoice, receipted invoices as they use and distort the purchase-sale contracts of consignment. An estimated one hundred and fifty batches of vehicles used in Morelos, and that nine out of ten outwit the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. If it happens across the country, occurring in Morelos, but warnings remain in nothing like the Financial Crimes Prosecutor for the Attorney General of the Federal District (PGJDF), noting that the proliferation of irregular lots in the sale cheat consignment of vehicles is the second type of fraud more common in Mexico City. Since 2007, 186 PGJDF opened inquiries against lots defrauded owners of vehicles with the sale but, according to the statement by prosecutor Carlos Enríquez Hernández Azuara, the Attorney General had problems to act against those responsible for the protection it provides them with contract sign are the victims. Some continue to act thus: "The contract has a series of locks only for their benefit, such as' I can sell credit" and not to establish at what point is going to pay, provide paid three days after selling the car, but if credit is when is the sale? "With more than half century, the National Association of Automobile Traders (ANCA) brings a thousand members across the country, and its magazine Notianca is the following: "More than 300 million pesos were defrauded Lolita year with the sale used car. " So stale is tax evasion, which this article was published in the edition of Notianca for March 1979! (Multiply the reader a thousand figures reported here and have a faint idea of \u200b\u200bthe monumental evasion). The crux, then, is the regularization. Another organization of lotteries is the National Association of Dealers in Used Cars & Trucks (ANCA), which Sergio Medina Perez was recently appointed CEO in Morelos. At present only five lots ANCA members in Cuernavaca, and one of the requirements is precisely the fiscal adjustment ...
to bust
The planet is mad. Much damage humans have done. Deforestation, concrete instead of trees, smoky factories, polluting cars. Global warming, then, that a few years ago saw as science fiction film. But it is here and will not leave. In late December and early January was cold in Cuernavaca ever had felt. Or very rarely, when they reached the Gulf the light breezes of a "north." And just so extreme, we are hitting the hot flashes. But if you do not have air conditioning, staying home is worse. Can you keep but you are distracted. Today, for example. Driving down the road Jojutla-Alpuyeca in the direction of Cuernavaca. Raisins Galeana, where the reeds years has been converted into shops of all sorts: lots of used cars and new agencies, restaurants, Botanero, parts stores, hardware stores and such and such. Chiverías leave behind, to just get to the "caps" wall "of Xoxocotla and forced to move at a crawl, giving you time to watch the motorbike taxis. Most are Chinese motorcycles, provided trailer spells for two passengers. They say they are five hundred and charge cheaper than taxis. There has not entered the government, and when he entered had to "regularize", protested the routers but the bikes were left public service as a means of livelihood of families who had no jobs. Issues unique way of being Xoxocotla their habits and customs ... You get to Alpuyeca and continue along the federal highway. Calculate your decision is correct. Other than that save the payment of the house, at that time the back of the resorts chilanguiza the Autopista del Sol and you probably stuck in the traffic jam starts at Las Brisas and continues to Buenavista on the warrant. However, it will not completely better, having chosen the federal. Just spend the curves of Palo Bolero gun and starts Tetlama you approach your ordeal, and then to free the cap and get to Powder Acatlipa maybe one hour will have passed. Is that in the stretch-Acatlipa Alpuyeca every day are peak hours and the evenings cuantimás Sunday. Expanded to four lanes, vehicular traffic helped but is of such size that weekend need eight lanes ... And so the same style as the "highway" La Pera-Cuautla, god only lanes, a larger project postponed four, as is already part of the Heroic stretch takes you at the junction with Highway of the Sun as it may, that shut out more fun. See landscapes, people, peoples, but also wilderness where there were trees. No slowing deforestation. The Earth has every reason to be prancing ...

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For his contribution and support to local culture

Zacatepec, Morelos .- Zacatepec Mayor Jose Carmen Cabrera Santana and the president of the Municipal DIF, Keila Figueroa Cabrera Selene received recognition from the Director Tetelpa Community Museum "San Esteban", Edgar Arce Ramirez, for his contribution and support to local culture, this during the inauguration of the Exhibition of Popular Arts Crafts Cardboard Formal artists exhibiting in the South.

In an emotional event that toured the facilities of the museum includes objects from various locations in the region as Jojutla Xoxocotla Tequesquitengo and Tlaquiltenango among others, emphasized the importance of promoting a culture and art, as well as local crafts characterized by a profusion of colors and shapes that allow special characters such as alebrijes, antique dolls and childhood and evoke the vivid, fantastic lizards, ants and other species mythological magical sculptures that make it possible for real becomes unreal through this small works of craftsmanship.

Where the sculptures were missing either the composer and violinist made of cardboard so masterful that it can pass through the bronze and copper sculptures, all thanks to the dexterity of artisans and visual artists who venture to mold shapes and patterns through a material as is the cardboard, waste material and the artists they know how to start and shape through art.

On the way Mayor Jose Santana Carmen Cabrera, said that without doubt the Community Museum is a major step in the art and culture in the town, a space and a compound belongs not only the culture of this county cane, but transcends to become a treasured space that exhibits and history of a region such as the southern.

For his part the President of the Municipal DIF, Keila Figueroa Cabrera Selene stated that the administration will make it conducive to promoting and promoting art and culture in the town, and especially to rescue the local history with which locals have Zacatepec, while the Director of the Museum welcomed because this administration is interested in the cultural line.

The sample formal art craft and work together creators and artisans Urrutia Luis Carlos Soto, Alfonso Morales Vasquez and Rene Garcia Reyes, who does the real work of art cardboard sculpture later state officials signed the guestbook distinguished.

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regionalization 'Barbie' dispute Morelos Morelos

Edgar Valdez Villarreal, "The Barbie" has divided the state of Morelos in three regions in order to gain operational advantage over rivals South Pacific Cartel, led by Hector Beltran Leyva, "The H", reported yesterday the Ministry of Public Security.

Explained that has divided the organization in North: including Cuernavaca, Emiliano Zapata Huitzilac and bordering the Federal District and Mexico State, South-East Zone, covering Zacatepec, Galeana, Tlatenchi, Tlalquiltenango and Jojutla, which delimited Puebla.

As the Western Zone, which are Miacatlan Alpuyeca, Puente de Ixtla, Amacuzac, Tequesquitengo, Xoxocotla Tetecala, River Coatlán Temixco and municipalities that are neighbors of Guerrero.

Valdez Villarreal scheduled this territorial division, said the SSP, to take operational control over its people, to whom he entrusted the drug trade in the area and the elimination of rivals.

"Intelligence reports indicate that currently Edgar Valdez Villarreal, 'Barbie', dispute the control of the area in Guerrero, Morelos, State of Mexico and Nuevo Leon, with the support of Gerardo Alvarez Vazquez," El Indio ", arrested on 21 April by the Army," he said.

The SSP announced this by reporting the capture of Gonzalo Mena Pardina, "The Heads", whom he identified as the operator of "Barbie" in Morelos.

Mena said dependence, is responsible for at least 20 executions have been recorded in Morelos as this year and has been the author of some messages that have been left on the bodies. "It is also linked as the perpetrator of the alleged attack on a military name Benedict Garcia, opposite the headquarters of the Ministerial Police Zacatepec April 6," he added.

The alleged criminal, 37, was arrested on Thursday and assured him a long gun, one short, one grenade, four magazines, 114 cartridges, a ski mask and different credentials.

The SSP said that so far the current Administration Federal Police have arrested 146 suspected criminals linked to the Beltran Leyva, including Carlos Beltran Leyva, a member of the clan.

aide arrested

Federal Police agents captured in Morelos Pardino Gonzalo Mena alias "Heads", who is designated as a hit man and partner of Edgar Valdez Villareal alias " Barbie, "the Ministry of Public Security Secretariat (SSP).

The federal agency said in a statement that the detainee are attributed more than 20 executions in Morelos and was located through intelligence reports, so we implemented a special operation to capture him.

Following a consultation with the network of links of the Intelligence Center of the Federal Police, it was learned that the detainee joined the Arturo Beltran Leyva cartel, and at first was at the service of others Pineda Villa.

These subjects, who died in September 2009, he was kept in his cell and then was criminal under the direction of Edgar Valdez Villarreal, defroster work safety and drug distribution in Morelos.

Intelligence reports indicate that Mena Pardino allegedly participated in 20 killings and placed on the bodies messages indicating that the execution had been the result of collaboration between the victim and rival groups.

is also designated as the perpetrator of the attack that occurred in front of the headquarters of the Ministerial Police Zacatepec on 6 April.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

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Constitution should be updated

rescue Fundamental reforms made in Morelos

pointed out that on the work of Gonzalez Chévez is necessary to make clear that the Constitution of Morelos, enacted in 1870, recognizes the already established by the federal Constitution of 1857, "which makes it evident that there has been no legislative effort that separates us from the implementation of the codes governing the state of Mexico and the Federal District, applying Morelos's own electoral law in force in the first. Ramírez Garrido
considered essential to analyze the background of the trial constitutionalism of origin or political opinion in Morelos, by repealing mandate, and to legislate on public consultation tools such as plebiscites and referenda.
In the work discussed, Senator praised the historical background of the formation the establishment of Morelos, 1870. He said it is essential to rescue the reforms made in Morelos, where in 2000 "was legislated for the state attorney general was elected by Congress, after issuing a list submitted by the Executive, to advance the rule that allowed the state to many entities states.
admitted that the Constitution of Morelos and recognizes the possibility that "citizens to request the Congress to a matter of public policy or controversial to be brought to referendum or plebiscite."
Finally, Senator Gonzalez Morelos Chévez shared with the need to issue the regulations of the Indian Act and thus provide Morelos legal corpus necessary to form an multi-ethnic composition, respecting the traditions and customs systems. About Temoac example, with respect to Amilpas Zacualpan suggested that Xoxocotla Tetelcingo Hueyapan and be converted into Indian towns.