Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Best Way To Rid Of Papillomatosis

Privacy is a thing of the past

Image: shanzai.com
With so much technology at hand, there to say one thing that many are determined to ignore: Privacy is a thing of the past. First was the arrival of cell phones with integrated camera, which soon became a threat in the hands of pranksters and a source of concern for those who do things badly. Almost simultaneously came the global positioning systems or GPS, a quick way to know the whereabouts of each.

While each of these extras is useful in specific moments, it goes without saying that this utility often results in a violation of privacy, especially when they are given the wider use appropriate.

After the cameras and the GPS was the social networking boom. People began to use their phones to take pictures in various environments in order to instantly share via Facebook, Twitter and other sites related.

of the dangers of over-exposing the private lives through social networks has been discussed ad nauseum, but people insist on having everything there, from the incident that took on the job until they have had their performance children in martial arts classes.

In social networks each person handles your privacy at will. It gets more serious when the cell also become a source of private information without your consent, as has happened with Apple Computers and Google, two companies have two weeks under fire over the issue.

The first scandal was with Apple, as two researchers found that iPhones birtánicos iPads and keep a record of the location of their users up to a year that includes the coordinates and time. See this information is relatively easy, moreover, it creates a copy of it when these devices are synchronized with a PC.

have access to this information has many implications, from determining a person's habits for marketing purposes to use it against him. Although Apple initially denied the allegations, it emerged that in 2009 the company had registered a patent that would create a sort of diary activities iPhone users with a detailed record of the location, time, conversations, photographs and even financial transactions.

In view of the scandal, Apple was quick to get a software update that prevents retain that information for more than seven days, but this has not been enough to silence critics who condemn that Apple was keeping that information without even informing their users.

With Android it's the same, so both companies have been forced to appear this week before a U.S. Senate subcommittee that deals with privacy issues and technology.

As things are going, difficult to return to enjoy the privacy they cherish. The only thing left to do is take care of the way, avoid misplacing the phone and be jealous of those who use our equipment. Unfortunately, it is not so easy.


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