Monday, May 2, 2011

Cervical Spondylitus Treatment By Homeopathy


May 1 was a day where the right has joined one of the peddlers, to continue sowing fear and permanently destroy the candidacy of the commander Ollanta Humala.

In the face of a journalist, who is not with the side of being a champion of corruption and racketeering, Jayme Bayly, threw his darts at Ollanta, calling it coup, of course, for him is not what he has done coup offender Alberto Fujimori, with the first lady to Keiko.

We must consider what this fag says, which will collect more than 600 000 suns for two months, or 8 hours of programming, and the payment that will give sponsors such as Chilean companies not paying taxes?

Peruvians will again be prey to its terrifying comments that the only thing that makes it is in a corrupt dictatorship servile representing Keiko Fujimori?

Perhaps this recruitment is not the true face of Fujimontesinismo already started to buy publishing media as was the government of Fujimori offender now in prison?

is not that undermine freedom of expression which both tout the corrupt representatives of the Peruvian right? "


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