Friday, May 13, 2011

Wearever Super Shooter Parts

The earthquake was in Spain

According to some doomsday, this May 11 would be a busy day at the disaster, because, among other things, had spoken of the occurrence of large earthquakes in Taiwan and Rome.

Due to triple planetary alignment, the followers of a prophet Wang hoped that an earthquake of magnitude no less than 14 in Taiwan, while in Rome a lot of residents decided to go after local pages were flooded with rumors that at noon May 11, 2011 a major earthquake would devastate the city, according to seismologists predict a self-Raffaelle Bendandi-f
Alleca in 1976.

passed on May 11, and, indeed, there were two earthquakes, but none of them in Taiwan and Rome. This time the earthquake occurred in Lorca, Murcia town in southeastern Spain, where there have been at least 10 dead hundreds injured and several landslides. Lorca had a first quake of 4.4, and two hours later another 5.2, which was responsible for most of the damage.

The moral? There are several: first, earthquakes can not be predicted, and is something that always say seismologists. Secondly, one can not be believing in these self-appointed prophets. The third, the alignment of planets is not necessarily a phenomenon that will have dire consequences on Earth, as they have always wanted to say the doomsayers.

Finally, it is difficult to predict exactly what will happen in the next 10 minutes ( eg This was supposed to leave yesterday, but at the time of publishing, Blogger gave me notice of being out of service ). End of discussion.

Pictured: Lorca destruction (AFP / Getty Images)


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