Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bollywood Actress Aishwarya Boobs


The dark chanchita Keiko Fujimori

\u0026lt;!--[ if! SupportLists ]-->- La Fuerza 2011 candidate admitted in 2001 having received stolen money from his father $ 10.000 per month.

\u0026lt;!--[ if! SupportLists ]-->- Echaiz He told the prosecutor that he had only $ 1,500 in a savings account but now admits to having in his possession, formally 590.684 soles in a foreign bank .

\u0026lt;!--[ if! SupportLists ]-->- claimed to have an old Toyota in 1996 and today operates two vans new value is 114.000 soles.

\u0026lt;!--[ if! SupportLists ]-->- Former Attorney General spared his life by not reporting it to Congress.

\u0026lt;!--[ if! SupportLists ]-->- The daughter of convicted acknowledged having made use of black money in the Military.

over a year ago that Keiko Fujimori was due in the office of the Attorney General to submit his statement for the research that remains for unjust enrichment. However, with the genetic ability of Fujimori, and complacency accomplice by Dr. Echaiz, the presidential candidate is dodging justice. Why, if you have nothing to hide, not paid, once and for all outstanding accounts with the law? Why was not the office of the Attorney General demonstrated to the public and to which she intends to rule that she, unlike his father, he became rich illegally during the nineties? The document presented in this report reveals why the leader of Fujimori avoided, for eleven months of interrogation.

The document in question is the "Statement of Keiko Sofia Fujimori Higuchi," is stamped prosecutors and is dated May 29, 2001. That Wednesday, 10 years ago, Keiko Fujimori was accompanied by a lawyer of his father, Domingo Orezzoli Pelosi, the public prosecutor. Then, in front of the Supreme Deputy Prosecutor, Keiko confessed that during the time served as First Lady came every month to Peru and when he returned to America, where he was studying, his father gave him ten thousand dollars in cash. What I never imagined that Keiko Fujimori, years later, that became Deputy Prosecutor Attorney General. Yes, you read: In 2001, Keiko Fujimori Echaíz admitted to Gladys, who was attorney supreme attached that month his father gave him ten thousand dollars in cash to pay for their studies and those of his brothers. Therefore, if Keiko had decided to go to court and give another version of how he paid his studies, he should have done to the same person who told him that his father paid cash.

On page 01509 of that statement reads as follows: "Asked to read: What studies have been paid to the declarant has made in the USA? He (Keiko Fujimori Higuchi): (...) the cost of maintaining the salvaged his father, who gave him money cash each time the witness came to Peru in amounts that never passed the U.S. $ 10,000 (ten thousand U.S. dollars). That the witness came to Peru almost monthly, depending on the activities that had as First Lady, when not exercised that office, did not come to Peru and his father gave him the money ($ 10,000) to start the cycle. " First Lady Never asked his father where it came from the wad of dollars handed him every time he came to Peru? That is unlikely, even more if we consider the testimony of his mother, Susana Higuchi. The former wife of Alberto Fujimori (folios 2518 to 2520) described in great detail this surreal scene: "that in late 1993, opened a safe that was in the bedroom she shared with her then husband, in front of their daughters, found in a plastic bag the sum of $ 100.000. It also states that out of the bag was the sum of $ 10.000 between objects and jewelry. "

Beyond Keiko questions you may have done to his father and the vivid scenes in the Government Palace next to his mother, when Fujimori money kept in bags, the fact is that if today presidential aspirant had complied with the Public Ministry filed to give his demonstration research which is followed by enrichment, would have had to go back to sitting in front of Dr. Gladys Echaíz. On this occasion would have had to say no, his dad did not give ten thousand dollars in monthly cash and would have been obliged to drop the paporreta learned.
The decision of the leader of Force 2011 to avoid answering to justice no surprise to anyone because it is a feature of the Fujimori family. It is surprising, however, the passivity that the Attorney General has shown for eleven months. Why not Dr. Echaíz course proceeded to give the file he had in his drawer since July 15, 2010?

not forget that this confession of Keiko Fujimori investigations must add that at the request of the Supreme Vocal José Luis Lecaros, performed the Comptroller General of the Republic in 2003. In that first book report, published in issue 52 of this weekly (In his thirteen Cesar Hildebrandt), it is estimated that Keiko Fujimori and his brothers, while they resided in the United States spent on leisure travel, living and studying one million four eighty thousand dollars. Nor that encouraged Echaíz.

In the event that Dr. Echaíz kept under lock and key, there are other important disclosures demonstrating the ability of Keiko Fujimori to emulate and imitate his father's ability to answer incriminating questions with obvious lies. For example, when the former First Lady was asked "if you know of the existence of storage at the Government Palace (the store where they kept the donations that were sold in Japan)" K. Fujimori said, "you do not know because I never ran in a total Palace." Is it not to laugh?

When asked if he had property in their name, the heiress of Fujimori, very plump, said, "which has a 1996 Toyota truck he bought with his own money." From this rostrum humble means we wonder what the presidential candidate "own money." Bearing in mind that when surrendered this event, in 2001, the former First Lady had never had a job, much less a salary, what spoke their own money? The ability for the farce of the daughter of Alberto Fujimori came to a head when he said that the purchase of land in Puerto Feel (km 121 of the Panamericana Sur) had made eight thousand dollars that his sister won in a casino.

Why is it vital that the presidential candidate face justice in the investigation that followed for unjust enrichment? Because Fujimori Higuchi Keiko clearly not only attended a college that his father could not pay his salary, but because it now has real costs and the salary of a congressman can not finance. Let's see.

According to the affidavit submitted to the National Jury of Elections, the daughter of Alberto Fujimori has never worked or received financial remuneration in addition to the soles 15.600 perceived as a congressman since 2006. Its venture with Summit Products Company SAC, as reported by the SUNAT, just managed to check-in 7 years, $ 18.348. However, the candidate claims to have two vans, one valued at 44.700 60.300 soles and another in soles. And their savings amounted to 590.864 soles. As she herself acknowledges, between August 2004 and May 2008 received an MA in New York and in 2007 a major in the University of George Washington University. Courses are around $ 100,000 not including maintenance. In the interest of transparency and taking into account Alberto Fujimori made a huge robbery would be important for her daughter and to separate the loot candidate father and explain to the public as able, since 2003, fund two post-graduate studies in private universities in the United States to support his family, to purchase two trucks, were 65 international travel y costear otros ciento seis para su satelital marido y aun así tener capacidad para ahorrar más de millón de soles. Es cuando menos sorprendente lo bien que le ha ido a la hija favorita de Alberto Fujimori teniendo en cuenta que en el año 2001 le dijo a la fiscal Echaíz que “tiene una sola cuenta en moneda extranjera en el Citibank del Perú, que es de ahorros y que tiene un saldo de $1,500 en la actualidad (mayo del 2001)”.
Sin perder de vista esta increíble capacidad económica de la ex Primera Dama, es necesario que volvamos a aquella mañana del 29 de mayo del 2001, cuando la doctora Echaíz era una Fiscal Adjunta que cumplía cabalmente con sus obligaciones. En esa jornada, logró que K. Fujimori confessed to the Foundation for the Children of Peru, which she chaired, had systematically taken money from the Military House. In their statements the candidate of Fuerza 2011 admitted that "all the logistical needs, gifts that had the Foundation (Foundation for the children of Peru) or to cover artistic events that promoted, the channeled through the Military." Did not the First Lady that the money they gave him the Military House was stolen from state coffers?

and recognized fact is that the current candidate of the Military received hundreds of thousands of dollars effective to manage, at will, the Foundation for the Children of Peru. In part this confession must be added the testimonies by aides of the military institution. The military Wong Federico Iriarte, Jorge Ascencio Torres Vargas, Gerardo Pérez Nazario Eagle and Market Zedano, in charge of the Military, confessed that for years, by express order of Alberto Fujimori, they were responsible for collecting the millions in the INS Suns stolen from state coffers to be delivered to the agent. The witnesses added that a portion of that money was used for "social work". All this reflected in statements made to the prosecutor.

Given the ill-gotten wealth of his father, the incredible economic boom of the candidate, and irrefutable evidence that managed money stolen from state coffers, we wonder if the would-be tenant of the House of Pizarro should clarify how much, how and where you spend the dirty money that gave him the Military House.

In 2001, Keiko Fujimori committed to the fiscal Echaíz to ask the lifting of banking secrecy and, to date, has failed. Nor has it fulfilled its duties as Attorney General Dr. Gladys Echaíz.


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