Thursday, April 28, 2011

Atheist Wedding Cards

Treasury Dominican coast

Photos: Deep Blue Marine

The marine exploration company Deep Blue Marine, contracted by the Dominican government to explore the Dominican coast in search of lost treasures shipwrecks, has noticed a major breakthrough at some point in the north coast.

Considering some of the recovered items, which include 700 silver coins, jewelry and figurines of Mayan pre-Columbian jade, all before the year 1500 and in perfect condition, "the computer Deep Blue Marine is the firm belief that this is one of the first ships to sink in the Caribbean, presumably because of a hurricane. As only the surface have been explored, yet dare not confirm his suspicions, but apparently is only a matter of time.

The finding came after a chance meeting with a local fisherman who sold the company divers an ancient coin, and who offered a job in return tell them where you found such a valuable currency. It is believed that at the time of sinking the boat that was heading to Spain to hand over collected by the Crown, as was the custom.

As doubts are, and determining the real value of the treasure, here see some pictures of the expedition and rescue.


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