Saturday, April 30, 2011

Calculation About Food Exchange

Photo: Wikipedia

Those who have ever read Dracula will have some idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of the title, and probably give it those who claim to know witch this is such a mysterious name. Walpurgis Nacht (or Walpurgisnacht) literally translates as "Walpurgis Night", and besides being the name of a horror movie, is a traditional celebration of central and northern Europe.

witches in these countries meet in the mountains and make their covens, which usually coincide with the transition from April to May. It is a celebration of pagan origin which coincides with a time of transition, and equator that honors ancient superstitions that persist in some countries of the area. For example, it was a deeply rooted belief that during the month of May the ghosts made their inroads among the living, and that fortunes could be found if they are still el rastro.

Igualmente la festividad rinde homenaje a Santa Walburga, una misionaria benedictina inglesa que murió en el año 779 y que fue canonizada el 1º de mayo de 870. En su honor las brujas queman grandes hogueras a modo de purificación de espíritus malignos.

Entonces, después de haber leído esta entrada, probablemente se estén preguntando en que se relaciona esto con la RD o de qué sirve conocer esta historia. La respuesta: nada. Simplemente la Noche de Walpurgis es algo que me ha llamado la atención por años, lo mismo que la historia que hay detrás. El único propósito de esta entrada es brindar un dato curious and expand cultural knowledge.


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