Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Whats A Good Hdmi Receiver

The "politically correct" is getting out of hand ... Human stupidity

The "politically correct" does not have much background in this country, but out here, especially in the U.S. and Europe, this is an issue that is taken very seriously. Under the concept of political correctness are no words, themes, gestures and actions that simply fall outside the daily life because they are considered offensive.

Thus, for example, called "black" to someone is an insult of the worst in the U.S., where it is politically correct to say "black" or "person of color". Another word about "gordo" (fat), which is replaced by various euphemisms: "grande" (big), "overweight" (overweight) or "large."

Because of political correctness has offices and schools in the U.S. and Britain who do not celebrate Christmas with traditional decorations to avoid offending members of minority religions. Also in those countries people have gotten into trouble for dress in the style of other cultures (for fun) or eating certain foods in the presence of ethnic groups who do not tolerate a cultural thing, as is the case beef and Hindus.

A good sign that political correctness is getting out of hand is what happened on the Isle of Wight, United Kingdom, where a pub singer was arrested on suspicion of "aggravated harassment and racism" for playing the popular disco song "Kung Fu Fighting" to the crowd there at the same time walking on the sidewalk in the business a citizen of Chinese origin who was accompanied by his mother.

So absurd is the incident that at first the singer thought it was a joke of the local police, but to his horror, the complaint and the arrests were quite real. Currently on bail, the singer did not conceal his surprise, and frankly, do not blame him. And this has happened to people without bad intentions, and sometimes unwittingly mimics the gestures of other cultures or make references in some may fall ill on a subject of pride and self-marginalization.

If you look good, that being "politically correct" is to some extent a denial of the so-called freedom of expression, and only left wondering who was the genius who invented it. As usual, the intention of the concept was good at first, but for years it's getting out of hand.


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