Thursday, April 14, 2011

Best Hdmi Receiver For The Price

social Abusing

Facebook and Twitter. It is rare to come across people who do not have at least one of these two accounts, much the same way that most people have a Blackberry or iPhone, if not have both devices.

pin exchange, friend requests on Facebook, real-time chats and compelling presence on Twitter tend to spend their days for fans social networks. Giving honor to the term "social", each of these networks will certainly help to foster friendships and contacts among strangers, while allowing resume contact with old friends and family who are far away. However, as often happens wherever people involved, things are getting out of control.

Facebook, like Twitter, encourages its users to share with the rest of your contacts what you are doing or thinking at any given time. The downside is that some people take things in a very literal and therefore make mistakes that eventually can turn out more expensive. If you do not think so, there are examples of piles. A school teacher in Georgia, USA, was forced to resign after parents of students accused of inciting the alcohol and profanity on Facebook. What the prosecution based? In one photo she shared for the network where he appeared with a glass of wine in one hand and a glass of beer in the other.

Another example: Human Resources assistant at a bank in England that was canceled Facebook after being placed in a sarcastic comment about the salary you earn per hour (7 pounds) and what they pay per hour the new CEO (4.000 pounds).

The Facebook horror stories go beyond warnings and cancellations by employers. In the United States and Europe there are numerous cases of pedophilia, harassment among adults and even massacres prompted by a sudden change of status in the profile of a person.

Seeing these cases, it is very clear that care must be taken with what is shared by these networks, but much to talk about the issue, people ignored and continues to publish all kinds of stuff that at the end as only serve as a breeding ground for gossip and harassment. And just as with Facebook, Twitter and even about the Blackberry, that having an option to "broadcast" in the chat becomes excellence spokesman for people who feel obliged to share their thoughts and insights with an audience (your contacts) that is not necessarily eager to these things.

After all, how important is to know that at 3 am John Doe arrived at his home from a nightclub to the preceding one bar and a restaurant? Better yet, nobody is interested to know that rose Mengano sad that morning because the wife / girlfriend / partner kicked him out or having problems at home or work. I understand that these things can be discussed with a close friend, but it is not necessary to send to all contacts, do you?


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