Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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The dark chanchita Keiko Fujimori

\u0026lt;!--[ if! SupportLists ]-->- La Fuerza 2011 candidate admitted in 2001 having received stolen money from his father $ 10.000 per month.

\u0026lt;!--[ if! SupportLists ]-->- Echaiz He told the prosecutor that he had only $ 1,500 in a savings account but now admits to having in his possession, formally 590.684 soles in a foreign bank .

\u0026lt;!--[ if! SupportLists ]-->- claimed to have an old Toyota in 1996 and today operates two vans new value is 114.000 soles.

\u0026lt;!--[ if! SupportLists ]-->- Former Attorney General spared his life by not reporting it to Congress.

\u0026lt;!--[ if! SupportLists ]-->- The daughter of convicted acknowledged having made use of black money in the Military.

over a year ago that Keiko Fujimori was due in the office of the Attorney General to submit his statement for the research that remains for unjust enrichment. However, with the genetic ability of Fujimori, and complacency accomplice by Dr. Echaiz, the presidential candidate is dodging justice. Why, if you have nothing to hide, not paid, once and for all outstanding accounts with the law? Why was not the office of the Attorney General demonstrated to the public and to which she intends to rule that she, unlike his father, he became rich illegally during the nineties? The document presented in this report reveals why the leader of Fujimori avoided, for eleven months of interrogation.

The document in question is the "Statement of Keiko Sofia Fujimori Higuchi," is stamped prosecutors and is dated May 29, 2001. That Wednesday, 10 years ago, Keiko Fujimori was accompanied by a lawyer of his father, Domingo Orezzoli Pelosi, the public prosecutor. Then, in front of the Supreme Deputy Prosecutor, Keiko confessed that during the time served as First Lady came every month to Peru and when he returned to America, where he was studying, his father gave him ten thousand dollars in cash. What I never imagined that Keiko Fujimori, years later, that became Deputy Prosecutor Attorney General. Yes, you read: In 2001, Keiko Fujimori Echaíz admitted to Gladys, who was attorney supreme attached that month his father gave him ten thousand dollars in cash to pay for their studies and those of his brothers. Therefore, if Keiko had decided to go to court and give another version of how he paid his studies, he should have done to the same person who told him that his father paid cash.

On page 01509 of that statement reads as follows: "Asked to read: What studies have been paid to the declarant has made in the USA? He (Keiko Fujimori Higuchi): (...) the cost of maintaining the salvaged his father, who gave him money cash each time the witness came to Peru in amounts that never passed the U.S. $ 10,000 (ten thousand U.S. dollars). That the witness came to Peru almost monthly, depending on the activities that had as First Lady, when not exercised that office, did not come to Peru and his father gave him the money ($ 10,000) to start the cycle. " First Lady Never asked his father where it came from the wad of dollars handed him every time he came to Peru? That is unlikely, even more if we consider the testimony of his mother, Susana Higuchi. The former wife of Alberto Fujimori (folios 2518 to 2520) described in great detail this surreal scene: "that in late 1993, opened a safe that was in the bedroom she shared with her then husband, in front of their daughters, found in a plastic bag the sum of $ 100.000. It also states that out of the bag was the sum of $ 10.000 between objects and jewelry. "

Beyond Keiko questions you may have done to his father and the vivid scenes in the Government Palace next to his mother, when Fujimori money kept in bags, the fact is that if today presidential aspirant had complied with the Public Ministry filed to give his demonstration research which is followed by enrichment, would have had to go back to sitting in front of Dr. Gladys Echaíz. On this occasion would have had to say no, his dad did not give ten thousand dollars in monthly cash and would have been obliged to drop the paporreta learned.
The decision of the leader of Force 2011 to avoid answering to justice no surprise to anyone because it is a feature of the Fujimori family. It is surprising, however, the passivity that the Attorney General has shown for eleven months. Why not Dr. Echaíz course proceeded to give the file he had in his drawer since July 15, 2010?

not forget that this confession of Keiko Fujimori investigations must add that at the request of the Supreme Vocal José Luis Lecaros, performed the Comptroller General of the Republic in 2003. In that first book report, published in issue 52 of this weekly (In his thirteen Cesar Hildebrandt), it is estimated that Keiko Fujimori and his brothers, while they resided in the United States spent on leisure travel, living and studying one million four eighty thousand dollars. Nor that encouraged Echaíz.

In the event that Dr. Echaíz kept under lock and key, there are other important disclosures demonstrating the ability of Keiko Fujimori to emulate and imitate his father's ability to answer incriminating questions with obvious lies. For example, when the former First Lady was asked "if you know of the existence of storage at the Government Palace (the store where they kept the donations that were sold in Japan)" K. Fujimori said, "you do not know because I never ran in a total Palace." Is it not to laugh?

When asked if he had property in their name, the heiress of Fujimori, very plump, said, "which has a 1996 Toyota truck he bought with his own money." From this rostrum humble means we wonder what the presidential candidate "own money." Bearing in mind that when surrendered this event, in 2001, the former First Lady had never had a job, much less a salary, what spoke their own money? The ability for the farce of the daughter of Alberto Fujimori came to a head when he said that the purchase of land in Puerto Feel (km 121 of the Panamericana Sur) had made eight thousand dollars that his sister won in a casino.

Why is it vital that the presidential candidate face justice in the investigation that followed for unjust enrichment? Because Fujimori Higuchi Keiko clearly not only attended a college that his father could not pay his salary, but because it now has real costs and the salary of a congressman can not finance. Let's see.

According to the affidavit submitted to the National Jury of Elections, the daughter of Alberto Fujimori has never worked or received financial remuneration in addition to the soles 15.600 perceived as a congressman since 2006. Its venture with Summit Products Company SAC, as reported by the SUNAT, just managed to check-in 7 years, $ 18.348. However, the candidate claims to have two vans, one valued at 44.700 60.300 soles and another in soles. And their savings amounted to 590.864 soles. As she herself acknowledges, between August 2004 and May 2008 received an MA in New York and in 2007 a major in the University of George Washington University. Courses are around $ 100,000 not including maintenance. In the interest of transparency and taking into account Alberto Fujimori made a huge robbery would be important for her daughter and to separate the loot candidate father and explain to the public as able, since 2003, fund two post-graduate studies in private universities in the United States to support his family, to purchase two trucks, were 65 international travel y costear otros ciento seis para su satelital marido y aun así tener capacidad para ahorrar más de millón de soles. Es cuando menos sorprendente lo bien que le ha ido a la hija favorita de Alberto Fujimori teniendo en cuenta que en el año 2001 le dijo a la fiscal Echaíz que “tiene una sola cuenta en moneda extranjera en el Citibank del Perú, que es de ahorros y que tiene un saldo de $1,500 en la actualidad (mayo del 2001)”.
Sin perder de vista esta increíble capacidad económica de la ex Primera Dama, es necesario que volvamos a aquella mañana del 29 de mayo del 2001, cuando la doctora Echaíz era una Fiscal Adjunta que cumplía cabalmente con sus obligaciones. En esa jornada, logró que K. Fujimori confessed to the Foundation for the Children of Peru, which she chaired, had systematically taken money from the Military House. In their statements the candidate of Fuerza 2011 admitted that "all the logistical needs, gifts that had the Foundation (Foundation for the children of Peru) or to cover artistic events that promoted, the channeled through the Military." Did not the First Lady that the money they gave him the Military House was stolen from state coffers?

and recognized fact is that the current candidate of the Military received hundreds of thousands of dollars effective to manage, at will, the Foundation for the Children of Peru. In part this confession must be added the testimonies by aides of the military institution. The military Wong Federico Iriarte, Jorge Ascencio Torres Vargas, Gerardo Pérez Nazario Eagle and Market Zedano, in charge of the Military, confessed that for years, by express order of Alberto Fujimori, they were responsible for collecting the millions in the INS Suns stolen from state coffers to be delivered to the agent. The witnesses added that a portion of that money was used for "social work". All this reflected in statements made to the prosecutor.

Given the ill-gotten wealth of his father, the incredible economic boom of the candidate, and irrefutable evidence that managed money stolen from state coffers, we wonder if the would-be tenant of the House of Pizarro should clarify how much, how and where you spend the dirty money that gave him the Military House.

In 2001, Keiko Fujimori committed to the fiscal Echaíz to ask the lifting of banking secrecy and, to date, has failed. Nor has it fulfilled its duties as Attorney General Dr. Gladys Echaíz.

Monday, May 16, 2011

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An investigation by reporters Jonathan Edmundo Cruz and Castro said yesterday that trucks loaded with flyers, shirts and even kitchens entering and leaving the prison of Diroes a full view of those responsible for local security. Published in the Daily Republic, research shows how the prison complex has become one among many local Fujimori campaign, differing only because they stay within themselves to their maximum leader, Alberto Fujimori.

reporters last Friday confirmed that a group of civilians, militants Fuerza 2011, were stationed outside a place entries of regulating the entry and exit of visitors. While attempting to get an explanation of this strange situation were ignored by police and attacked by the militants.

Between 8 April and 12 May, journalists have reported the admission of 154 trucks, vans and cars within the site. Between them, they have identified the continued entry of a truck owned by DLG Multiservices, responsible for printing the promotional material. This truck would join with the material to be verified and reviewed by Alberto Fujimori, to be taken back to the door and be distributed Diroes under the leadership of Commander Tataje Gerardo Rojas, a former command Huántar Chavin and loyal servant of Alberto Fujimori ...

Friday, May 13, 2011

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What a paradox!

After almost a day off the air (although some sources say two), Blogger finally works, and, as there is no complete happiness, now Twitter is not working, citing technical issues first and now the classic image that is in overcapacity. What a paradox!

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The earthquake was in Spain

According to some doomsday, this May 11 would be a busy day at the disaster, because, among other things, had spoken of the occurrence of large earthquakes in Taiwan and Rome.

Due to triple planetary alignment, the followers of a prophet Wang hoped that an earthquake of magnitude no less than 14 in Taiwan, while in Rome a lot of residents decided to go after local pages were flooded with rumors that at noon May 11, 2011 a major earthquake would devastate the city, according to seismologists predict a self-Raffaelle Bendandi-f
Alleca in 1976.

passed on May 11, and, indeed, there were two earthquakes, but none of them in Taiwan and Rome. This time the earthquake occurred in Lorca, Murcia town in southeastern Spain, where there have been at least 10 dead hundreds injured and several landslides. Lorca had a first quake of 4.4, and two hours later another 5.2, which was responsible for most of the damage.

The moral? There are several: first, earthquakes can not be predicted, and is something that always say seismologists. Secondly, one can not be believing in these self-appointed prophets. The third, the alignment of planets is not necessarily a phenomenon that will have dire consequences on Earth, as they have always wanted to say the doomsayers.

Finally, it is difficult to predict exactly what will happen in the next 10 minutes ( eg This was supposed to leave yesterday, but at the time of publishing, Blogger gave me notice of being out of service ). End of discussion.

Pictured: Lorca destruction (AFP / Getty Images)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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Privacy is a thing of the past

Image: shanzai.com
With so much technology at hand, there to say one thing that many are determined to ignore: Privacy is a thing of the past. First was the arrival of cell phones with integrated camera, which soon became a threat in the hands of pranksters and a source of concern for those who do things badly. Almost simultaneously came the global positioning systems or GPS, a quick way to know the whereabouts of each.

While each of these extras is useful in specific moments, it goes without saying that this utility often results in a violation of privacy, especially when they are given the wider use appropriate.

After the cameras and the GPS was the social networking boom. People began to use their phones to take pictures in various environments in order to instantly share via Facebook, Twitter and other sites related.

of the dangers of over-exposing the private lives through social networks has been discussed ad nauseum, but people insist on having everything there, from the incident that took on the job until they have had their performance children in martial arts classes.

In social networks each person handles your privacy at will. It gets more serious when the cell also become a source of private information without your consent, as has happened with Apple Computers and Google, two companies have two weeks under fire over the issue.

The first scandal was with Apple, as two researchers found that iPhones birtánicos iPads and keep a record of the location of their users up to a year that includes the coordinates and time. See this information is relatively easy, moreover, it creates a copy of it when these devices are synchronized with a PC.

have access to this information has many implications, from determining a person's habits for marketing purposes to use it against him. Although Apple initially denied the allegations, it emerged that in 2009 the company had registered a patent that would create a sort of diary activities iPhone users with a detailed record of the location, time, conversations, photographs and even financial transactions.

In view of the scandal, Apple was quick to get a software update that prevents retain that information for more than seven days, but this has not been enough to silence critics who condemn that Apple was keeping that information without even informing their users.

With Android it's the same, so both companies have been forced to appear this week before a U.S. Senate subcommittee that deals with privacy issues and technology.

As things are going, difficult to return to enjoy the privacy they cherish. The only thing left to do is take care of the way, avoid misplacing the phone and be jealous of those who use our equipment. Unfortunately, it is not so easy.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Spoon Diagram Origami

lasting effect

Picture: blog "Graphic Interchange"
There seemingly insignificant incidents that occur in the lives of people and can have lasting effects and unexpected, even if long time has passed and things have been put in order.

Most of the tricks of a person and the characteristics that define their personalities are rooted in these events, although distant and seemingly insignificant, are having an impact. What for some people it might seem ludicrous situaciònb is a real and serious threat to others.

To take a simple example, people are afraid of riding in an elevator, and therefore prefer to take the stairs, even if 10 floors. There are those who respect that decision, but others can not resist the temptation to joke about it, perhaps unaware that this fear is deeper than it might seem. In short, they judge without knowing what is behind it. Perhaps that person who refuses to take the elevator does not know what to fear, or maybe yes, but one thing is certain: it seems that other nonsense you find something real, able to paralyze at specific times like that.

Human nature is very complex, and for that reason is that you should not make judgments lightly.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Building Of A Chicken Cage

Things Weird News People

1. Man moves in with his girlfriend, who has a cat as a pet. The man is understood with the jack, and the parachute all goes well, until one night, the cat peed in his mouth. And why did that cat? Simple: the man had a severe case of apnea sleep, and thus snoring very loud. The cat peed there because he was scared and wanted the man woke up, or at least that conclusion was an expert on cat behavior will soon have a TV program on Discovery Channel.

2. Good news for car owners: the bird droppings will not harm the paint, or at least not on their own. A British car workshop has concluded that the real culprit is the sun, it causes the paint to spread. As the hours go by and the sun goes down, the paint starts to contract and harden around obstacles such as the aforementioned excrement. The best thing to do is clean the dogfish immediately to avoid problems.

Friday, May 6, 2011

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People. People always need other people. For services to buy clothes and to regain health. Go to movies, watching a theater, traveling to another country. All this is possible thanks to others. However, it becomes increasingly difficult to live with people because they have lost the manners, good manners and consideration for others.

People who have a scandal in the backyard, people who smoke in places through other people, people who in the midst of a movie is set to answer calls, people who do not respect the tastes of another when they fall outside the norm. these are just some examples of why it is so difficult to live together in harmony. It is also why there are people who prefer to be alone, because it does not have to deal with these things. And when these things come together with common qualities such as deception, selfishness and envy, for worse. Hence, there are people who say they prefer the company of the dog.

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Imitations are never good

Image: greenville.edu

There is nothing better than to be original and displayed as is, without trying imitate others or pretend to be in a way that is completely divorced from reality. This applies not only to people but to business, ideas and countless more.

Sometimes it appears people who want to imitate their idols and end up looking foolish. There are businesses that wish to replicate the success of the industry benchmark in months, ignoring that it is concerning that it took years to build a reputation and to achieve that position. That is why sometimes there are businesses, restaurants, shops, banks or companies for specific services, which apparently began on the right foot, creating high expectations, but which soon disappear for various reasons: the cost could not, did not meet expectations, did not adapt to the market or, simply, were a cheap imitation of other places that have maintained themselves over time.

is quite unpleasant encounter with people and businesses to clear imitate others, and even though imitation may be good, nothing, absolutely nothing, compares to the original. That is why people who try to behave with a finesse that it is not excessive or feature that comes with poses that dawns with the copied around, fall so badly, especially among old acquaintances.

The key to personal success and business begins to be original. The poses are useless.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

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boiler drain

If you have a sealed boiler condensing know you have to have good drainage for it.
Now if you think like me that the tube of the machine is too big and does not allow the entry of the two tubes, you have this other possibility.
I had a drain of an old laundry room, after opening it, I placed a 90 degrees elbow pvc pipe 40, and with the help of an adhesive pvc welder for more than a piece of flexible has been super good, or so I believe ....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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Nature is amazing

definitely want nature is wise and surprising. The first picture shows a praying mantis "orchid" which just like this flower with such a low profile and to deceive the enemy. The second picture shows a praying mantis appears to be about dancing, and unfolding its amazing colors. Both images were taken by photographer Igor Siwanowicz, biochemical and photographer who spent seven years collecting and raising these peculiar insects. More photos here . (Daily Mail)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How To Do A Male Brazilian Diagram

A shopping center that offers luxury brands among its attractions and has based its strategy of positioning that can not just expect to get your customers with that part of the "hall" of stairs leading from the parking underground shopping area is closed from Monday to Thursday, supposedly because they want to be green.

is true that the green wave is fashionable, and that people and companies that hide behind the movement to mask cuts in spending, which is not bad. However, we must know where these cuts are applied. For example, the lights on those floors of underground parking that are not in use is a sensitive measure and that is perfectly understood, especially when access to these floors is completely closed to the passage of clients. But putting the customer to spend working, looking for another access point because it is closer case is closed by a "green" is somewhat childish, more when it comes to a mall that has the word "luxury" in their description.

will say that it's good for the customer, who now has to walk more to achieve its mission, and that's fine, excellent, in fact, were it not for a little something uncomfortable: the smell of carbon dioxide characteristic of a parking lot and that permeates the atmosphere, which also mixes with construction dust. And with everything and is very healthy walk, who said the mall managers that their customers want to walk that far?

There is nothing wrong with trying to be green, save energy and reduce pollution. However, these strategies must be implemented correctly to avoid creating adverse effects, because yesterday I saw people who came to the mall and chose to go to see that sign, claiming, inter alia, not going to get to spin like crazy in a place where even the signs are good. Also mentioned the luxury factor, which contrasts well with this decision.

Monday, May 2, 2011

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If we have to differentiate the bad of the candidates, here we clarify the contradictions of the daughter (Keiko Fujimori) of that character (Alberto Fujimori) that hands are blood stained and soiled with feces worse than the money of all Peruvians, and went from there to Japan to resign as a coward all

We now say that not going to release his father to swear, of course that will have to believe it only Jayme Bayly and some PPcausas before analyzing the true proposals are driven by the opinions that shed some menial of this corrupt system, calling themselves journalists.

Hey here a small count of the daughter of the corrupt and former first lady of the nation after declaring that his mother (Susana Higuchi) was crazy when I denounce all acts of corruption that lived in that regime.

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Things that stick is not so good news

killed Bin Laden. With that news, I woke up today, and most surprising of all is that in America people walk held since the dawn as if it were the best news of the world.

The fact that occurred in Pakistan at the hands of the U.S. Army, was defined by President Obama as "justice", while reminding the nation and the world's many terrorist acts by bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including the infamous bombing of 11 September 2001, which did away with the Twin Towers in New York and thousands of lives.

With thousands of people celebrating in New York and the surrounding White House, plus commentaries by Facebook, Twitter and others, one wonders, is it really that good news?

First, it is unwise that the U.S. has killed Bin Laden when the focus in the Middle East by invading / bombing carried out for a month in Libya, with the supposed intention to "save lives "and pull combat Gadaffi. Bin Laden's death comes two days after the bombing of Libya have been meeting to Gaddafi's youngest son, and all you can hope for is that there is some kind of reprisal from the Arab world.

Indeed, this morning was ordered to strengthen security at U.S. embassies in various parts of the world, presumably because they know that things are not going to be so. Although initially there was a drop in oil prices and stock markets registered increases, it is likely that with the passing of the days and weeks is just the contrary. Also increase anti-terrorism controls on U.S. airports and the rest of the world and probably get threats from the Taliban and other groups opposed to U.S. Arabs

Is al-Qaeda ended with the death of Bin Laden? Of course not. It's just a matter of time before there is another leader internally in the organization, and most likely, like Bin Laden, have some U.S. training.

Most people, regardless of nationality, religion or ethnicity, are tired of terrorism, attacks, invasions and other military inventions. Are the same people, who are active in organizations or in government positions, which pay the price for stupidity accompanying thirst for power of some. After all, why has U.S. to intervene in Libya? Honestly, it's better to let them kill themselves and will seek their own solution. This will avoid major problems.

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May 1 was a day where the right has joined one of the peddlers, to continue sowing fear and permanently destroy the candidacy of the commander Ollanta Humala.

In the face of a journalist, who is not with the side of being a champion of corruption and racketeering, Jayme Bayly, threw his darts at Ollanta, calling it coup, of course, for him is not what he has done coup offender Alberto Fujimori, with the first lady to Keiko.

We must consider what this fag says, which will collect more than 600 000 suns for two months, or 8 hours of programming, and the payment that will give sponsors such as Chilean companies not paying taxes?

Peruvians will again be prey to its terrifying comments that the only thing that makes it is in a corrupt dictatorship servile representing Keiko Fujimori?

Perhaps this recruitment is not the true face of Fujimontesinismo already started to buy publishing media as was the government of Fujimori offender now in prison?

is not that undermine freedom of expression which both tout the corrupt representatives of the Peruvian right? "

Sunday, May 1, 2011

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".. . and if hit, then congratulations! " Walpurgis Nacht

"... and if you hit, then congratulations!" This was the answer given by an agent of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (AMET) when asked this afternoon if he was allowed to turn left at the intersection of Kennedy Tiradentes therefore despite the huge sign that is indicating that it is prohibited, there two vehicles turned left right in the face of that AMET.

Asked if that was allowed, his response was predictable: "the sign says no." In view of the answer, he pointed to the fact that two drivers had just breaking the rules, and then there was that came up with this pearl: "Well, is not allowed, and if hit, then congratulations!" Response was so absurd that we made another question: why is she standing there? Is not is supposed to enforce the law? The response was even more surprising: "I'm alone here."

And then we wonder why everything is turned upside down in a country where he long ago lost respect for authority, and where no authority is given to comply. AMET This agent represents the epitome of laziness. No further comment.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Calculation About Food Exchange

Photo: Wikipedia

Those who have ever read Dracula will have some idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of the title, and probably give it those who claim to know witch this is such a mysterious name. Walpurgis Nacht (or Walpurgisnacht) literally translates as "Walpurgis Night", and besides being the name of a horror movie, is a traditional celebration of central and northern Europe.

witches in these countries meet in the mountains and make their covens, which usually coincide with the transition from April to May. It is a celebration of pagan origin which coincides with a time of transition, and equator that honors ancient superstitions that persist in some countries of the area. For example, it was a deeply rooted belief that during the month of May the ghosts made their inroads among the living, and that fortunes could be found if they are still el rastro.

Igualmente la festividad rinde homenaje a Santa Walburga, una misionaria benedictina inglesa que murió en el año 779 y que fue canonizada el 1º de mayo de 870. En su honor las brujas queman grandes hogueras a modo de purificación de espíritus malignos.

Entonces, después de haber leído esta entrada, probablemente se estén preguntando en que se relaciona esto con la RD o de qué sirve conocer esta historia. La respuesta: nada. Simplemente la Noche de Walpurgis es algo que me ha llamado la atención por años, lo mismo que la historia que hay detrás. El único propósito de esta entrada es brindar un dato curious and expand cultural knowledge.

Friday, April 29, 2011

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"You see, Peter, a close friend of all life, I told you, the first round will be papayita for journalists, owners will not bother much. Their interests will be jealously guarded. We hardly go out on the microphone, and at most will tell us how much they cost our comments at the expense of one or all congressional candidates. But, well, you know you already knew that. Even they eventually mortgage, momentarily, to see if it expands the scope or acquire more subsidiaries. I always knew. There was nothing new on the front.

But now it's different now come to the minds of many, "so many suns and professional dignity," go go Pedrito, that dilemma, national dignity, if I told you from the October 9, 1968, when Velasco said day of national dignity, not much has changed in this, they told me to mention that phrase is to make a fool Ollanta Humala apology, if I told you to remember areas where neo-liberalism prudently manage its financial management in benefit of its inhabitants, ie vote for Ollanta Humala Comanche, maybe you laugh as yesterday, as we drank a bit of chicha in your neighborhood, and perhaps remind me that this was not for me the best thing I could do was get out of the country at the time that Peru viewed from Italy becomes less endurable, but, you know, that we would return to fight for my romantic notion of freedom as Campanella and More, and you go out with your criticism acid to the philosophy of this and bits of the book Siddhartha by Hesse, "that serves as knowing how to think, to explain the origin, if that does not eat a good steak, or Alfredo noodles to."
much Maybe you're right, nor less so, the only thing I can tell you, my friend, friend forever is that today, the media owners will have very afraid of this second round, and their employees, too, think you have to be in the middle position be novel, the plot, one can take away licenses and clear, as they may remove the license or the right to continue expand, us who are below their employees, do not have to shut up, because if our eyes by now resemble certain character, Uyyyy that fear, to take pee in your pants, or we vote or we say, how much worth. Alas, even as we continue to see market frets. Too bad, we are still so many, and there comes again the dilemma, how long support this, and the personal question, even when the string will not break.

PDTA .- They have chosen, and they fear being wrong, of course, this because they are never wrong.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Long Dong Silverin Action


Three journalists of Radio Leader, Federico Rosado Zavala, Jorge Alvarez and Jesus Coa, resigned from the media. They did not let them limit their views in favor of a presidential candidate.

former news director of news program, Federico Rosado said it all started last Saturday, after he withdrew from the program. He said that time debated about the firing of journalists in this electoral period.

subsequently initiated an analysis of how the media handled the Fujimori era and how journalists were dismissed for not supporting the government of Alberto Fujimori.

At that time, the journalist Jesus Coa had received a call from the manager of Radio Leader, Santiago Ortiz, who asked him to put aside their comments against the candidate Keiko Fujimori, because it would have an advertising contract in place and who is engaged to talk about local issues.

This position was rejected by Coa, who immediately told him the businessman that he was resigning because that issue could not be conditional.

These facts were communicated to Federico Rosado, who discussed the matter with Santiago Ortiz, and asked him to retract his position and rejoin Jesus Coa. To It gave a deadline of Tuesday.
The Ortiz position change did not occur, and yesterday in his live program Federico Rosado resigned and said goodbye to his listeners, who for 12 years followed in the radio medium.

Rosado regretted the incident, indicated that it may be possible that an economic issue in the case of the general condition of a journalist. Jorge Alvarez for his part said that upon learning of these facts decided to follow in the footsteps of Coa and on Monday submitted his resignation and he communicated to Frederick Rose.

Alvarez noted avoided if the resignation was a topic of advertising, but said not to agree to try to determine the opinion of a journalist to the interests of a person.

The representative of Force 2011, Guido Lucioni, said he did not understand how 'interfered in this issue the group Fujimori, as these do not keep advertising contracts with the company, besides that in this period have placed second round advertising in the radio medium.
(La Republica 04/28/2011)

many of these facts more will happen in our country before the elections in the second round?
Do you think that the owners of the Media can be used as a puppet to Journalists?
do not believe that before being elected Keiko, and menipulando comes to media?
less than what will be if elected President?

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Treasury Dominican coast

Photos: Deep Blue Marine

The marine exploration company Deep Blue Marine, contracted by the Dominican government to explore the Dominican coast in search of lost treasures shipwrecks, has noticed a major breakthrough at some point in the north coast.

Considering some of the recovered items, which include 700 silver coins, jewelry and figurines of Mayan pre-Columbian jade, all before the year 1500 and in perfect condition, "the computer Deep Blue Marine is the firm belief that this is one of the first ships to sink in the Caribbean, presumably because of a hurricane. As only the surface have been explored, yet dare not confirm his suspicions, but apparently is only a matter of time.

The finding came after a chance meeting with a local fisherman who sold the company divers an ancient coin, and who offered a job in return tell them where you found such a valuable currency. It is believed that at the time of sinking the boat that was heading to Spain to hand over collected by the Crown, as was the custom.

As doubts are, and determining the real value of the treasure, here see some pictures of the expedition and rescue.

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Rabbits jumping

Dogs and horses are animals that usually participate in shows and races where they show their skills. Are outside the traditional competencies of Madagascar cockroaches and even snails (which should last an eternity). The photo accompanying this article shows a rabbit named Snoopy jumping high over an obstacle as part of their training from a "sport" very popular in Germany and Scandinavia - Kaninhop - which is precisely why, rabbits hopping. So peculiar hobby originated in Sweden in the early 80s and although it has many followers, has caused alarm among advocates for the rights of animals by the occasional use of belts to prevent uncontrolled reproduction. (Daily Mail)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Whats A Good Hdmi Receiver

The "politically correct" is getting out of hand ... Human stupidity

Image: iconicpubs.com
The "politically correct" does not have much background in this country, but out here, especially in the U.S. and Europe, this is an issue that is taken very seriously. Under the concept of political correctness are no words, themes, gestures and actions that simply fall outside the daily life because they are considered offensive.

Thus, for example, called "black" to someone is an insult of the worst in the U.S., where it is politically correct to say "black" or "person of color". Another word about "gordo" (fat), which is replaced by various euphemisms: "grande" (big), "overweight" (overweight) or "large."

Because of political correctness has offices and schools in the U.S. and Britain who do not celebrate Christmas with traditional decorations to avoid offending members of minority religions. Also in those countries people have gotten into trouble for dress in the style of other cultures (for fun) or eating certain foods in the presence of ethnic groups who do not tolerate a cultural thing, as is the case beef and Hindus.

A good sign that political correctness is getting out of hand is what happened on the Isle of Wight, United Kingdom, where a pub singer was arrested on suspicion of "aggravated harassment and racism" for playing the popular disco song "Kung Fu Fighting" to the crowd there at the same time walking on the sidewalk in the business a citizen of Chinese origin who was accompanied by his mother.

So absurd is the incident that at first the singer thought it was a joke of the local police, but to his horror, the complaint and the arrests were quite real. Currently on bail, the singer did not conceal his surprise, and frankly, do not blame him. And this has happened to people without bad intentions, and sometimes unwittingly mimics the gestures of other cultures or make references in some may fall ill on a subject of pride and self-marginalization.

If you look good, that being "politically correct" is to some extent a denial of the so-called freedom of expression, and only left wondering who was the genius who invented it. As usual, the intention of the concept was good at first, but for years it's getting out of hand.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Can I Take Benedryl With Norco?

Pictured: Dogbert, a character in the comic strip "Dilbert"

Leave a parking ticket without the on hand or money to be paid, helping to form a plug and despairing people. Fold in the street and stopped just after crossing the intersection, preventing the passage of other vehicles that also doubled (and building up a mess at that intersection). Detailed written instructions and then claim ignorance when it happened was an oversight and nothing more. Occupy a parking lot outside and then complain to the owner because he had the "brilliant" idea to block it. Let things happen by mere inertia.

These are all examples of human stupidity with which all have to deal every day at work, the street and even at home. The stupidity times is explained by stress, distractions and unexpected. Other times it is outright stupidity. Who would think to turn at a stop street and dry, without notice or reason? It is not only stupid, but endangers other drivers who are obliged to stop at once and pass block the free passage of other vehicles.

If you are in a controlled parking ticket and where it is known beforehand to be paid any money, why not have both at hand? I've seen people get out and get a parking ticket rummaging in his pockets, wallet, the seat and floor of the car. As it happens this, slowly accumulate other drivers wishing to leave and unable to do so by someone's carelessness.

Sometimes stupidity combined with thoughtlessness and irresponsibility. Such is the case of people at two in the morning listening to music gets high at home or in his truck, waking the neighbors. Or for people who have a dog and let him walk freely no matter concerned a ferocious beast that has the habit of racing them to other dogs and anyone who will not be known. To cap it all when they are claimed by that are so irresponsible recklessness that downplay the fact claiming that their animals are totally harmless ... despite evidence to the contrary.

written instructions. One would think that is an almost sure things are done properly and promptly. Big mistake. Some people so as not to admit guilt or fault claims better than ever received the message or they forgot. Doubly irresponsible is he who claims these excuses when tasks are coordinated direct and personal way.

So people today. A party of reckless in the majority, likely to commit the most absurd nonsense.

Monday, April 25, 2011

How To Secure Leaning Wall Mirror

Is it so difficult to respect the 'differently'? Commemorations

personal decisions. Everyone makes a daily basis and under circumstances that are unique. Some people decide not to eat meat for religious beliefs, health issues or simply because they do not like. People who do not believe in God because he refuses to submit to the dictates of a church. People who do not sunbathe because it stains your skin or simply because they can. People who prefer not to take risks because they believe them necessary, and so on.

However, these people I mentioned above tend to excel in a society where it is normal to eat meat, people are grabbing the sun, to take stupid risks and worship God. Consequently, these people not only excel, but tend to be rejected by the community, often openly make fun of them and theorize about why these people should do exactly what contario of what they do, that is, become part of the community.

And what happens when you ignore these "tips"? For large-scale rejection, prejudice that exceed various levels, for shame and problems to formalize relations of friendship. The few who dare to join the "weird" experience some of these consequences, because by association they become part of prejudice. Those few, if not desist by external influences, often se encuentran con que esas personas "raras" no son tan raras después de todo y que casi toda la mala fama construida a su alrededor es infundada e inmerecida. 

Sé que hay una mentalidad global de rebaño, pero eso no explica por qué la gente de la colectividad es tan ciega y prejuiciada con gente que presenta alternativas distintas a lo considerado estándar.